Hats off to me - I've just made a sale! My local library service has ordered 15 copies of Cut Short. I'm intoxicated with success... on my way to beating the average sale of a first book (93 copies I read somewhere.) 93? huh! I'm going to sell at least 100... 1,000... 10,000... The sky's the limit. (
What's that? Keep my feet on the ground? What ground? I don't see any ground...)
I'm sure you'll have brilliant sales, but 15 all at once is great.
I can't wait to receive my copy.
Thank you, Debs.
I'm so pleased - the book isn't even published for another week. We're off to a good start! Who was it said they wished they could bottle the happy moments in life, store up the experience so they could revisit it whenever they wanted?
It's so hard not to get sucked into the promotion stage. Not that long ago, all I wanted was to see my book in print. Now I want people to buy it. Is there ever a point in life when you can sit back and think, that's it, I'm completely satisfied? But then, would life be bearable without any challenge? Sounds boring.
You've got me beat. I manged to sell books to four libraries.
And yep, looking forward to my copy.
I'll know you'll do well :-)
Major congrats Leigh. I'm so excited for you and wishing many many sells coming your way.
I had a wonderful day - my first outing as an author... having heard that the local library service has ordered 15 copies of Cut Short, and a local VIP has accepted an invitation to my book launch (which means local press will definitely be along) I spent the afternoon with a group of friends who are coming to my local book launch. In the evening I gave my first Author Talk to my local writing group. I was very anxious beforehand but it went better than I could have hoped and in the event I didn't feel nervous at all. It helped that I'd had a great day and the members of the group were keen to contribute which made the whole presentation swing along. It was brilliant... until I got home and found I'd locked myself out and there was no one in to open the door... I only had to wait half an hour, and it wasn't cold, but I didn't feel quite so clever as I sat in the front garden listening for my husband's car.
Having got that off my chest - I have to thank you, Charles, Liz and Vicki, for your kind comments. It's really fantastic having so much support here. I really appreciate your interest. Thank you!
Did I say I was having a good day? I just checked my emails and found an invitation to a Literary Festival. Of course I accepted! (I'd better go to bed while my feet can still find the floor... and I can still fit my head through the door...)
Wow, congratulations on the invitation to the lit fest. No wonder you're thrilled.
Back to reality today... If the likes of Michael Jackson and Britney Spears had to clean their own toilets, they might retain a hold on reality. I could have a whole new career helping stars to stay sane... (sane? Sound of gasping from everyone who knows me...)
Wow, well done you, I am sure you will easily beat 93, 15 all at once is a great start!
It's a whole new world to me - I honestly don't know how people survive with their nerves intact in publishing. It's very different to teaching.
Delighted it's all going so well and look forward to July when i get my copy from Amazon.
That's great! It is a nice start really.
Thank you PI. I look forward to hearing (hopefully positive) comments.
Nice to hear from you, Guillaume. I must get around to visiting other people's blogs but life's a bit busy right now, and I'm back to school next week (currently ignoring the pile of books waiting to be marked)...
The library service is a very good start. Name recognition will mean sales on your future novels and word of mouth promotion.
Hey, Bernard, nice to hear from you - and with good tidings. Let's hope you're right.
Great Leigh, but please don't stop touching the floor and get that head out of the clouds!
I roared with laughter reading that you had locked yourself out.
I'm back to work tomorrow, so back to reality with a vengeance! Now I've just got to tackle that huge mound of marking - (or shall I leave it until tomorrow???)
Exiting times, Leigh. Bet it's hard to concentrate today ...
I'll post details of both Real Life and virtual launch events on Bookarazzi.
Thank you again for your support, Debi. I think you're the first person I've met for real who's commented here. Worlds collide... it's slightly surreal, I don't know why. Like my fantasy of ever being published becoming a reality... and I've now been invited to speak at two literary festivals - so yes, it is a little hard to concentrate.
Fifteen sales, two literary festivals and a locked front door, and now you're back at school, if the book is as entertaining/engrossing as your life it will be a bestseller! I can't wait for my copy.
I never thought of my life as entertaining - more a kind of lurching from one muddle to another... currently panicking because I've somehow talked myself into having two book launches (is this normal?) and now I'm inviting people - what if no one comes? or too many people turn up? How many is too many? I seem to be morphing into a kind of events organiser - and organisation isn't exactly my strong point... Thank goodness for my publisher who appears from time to time, like a deus ex machina, and waves her magic wand.
Leigh, your enthusiasm is infectious. I'm quite certain you will sell more than 93 books. I'm looking forward to reading my copy.
Thanks, Barbara. I must say I'm having great fun with all this. I'm fortunate that I'm not reliant on my book(s) to pay my bills so I can just enjoy the ride. In that respect I'm pleased this has all happened now rather than when I was . . . even younger.
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