Thursday, 28 May 2009
We're on our way

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Virtual Book Launch starts June (see post of 7th May for details)
JULY amazon.co.uk
AUGUST amazon.com
JULY amazon.co.uk
AUGUST amazon.com
The books (my book) will be with the distributor on 5th June - just over two weeks from today!
On 20th June - one month from today - I'll be signing copies of my book in WH Smith's in Harrow.
I understand more and more why people compare producing a book to giving birth. There's no going back now! I can't call a halt to all this, even if I wanted to (which of course I don't.)
I'm loving every minute of this experience. Nervous? Me? Why would I be?
(What if nobody buys Cut Short? What if nobody likes it? What if I turn up to sign copies and the books haven't arrived? What if I give a talk and can't think of anything to say? What if people ask questions I can't answer?)
Monday, 11 May 2009
Ideas needed urgently

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who's commented here so far with suggestions about what I can include in my Author Talks. As I've said before, Cut Short is a real team effort. Thank you again - and please don't stop.
Fellow bloggers, I need your help. Anyone planning to come along to any of the Author Talks I'm giving (schedule on post of 9th April) PLEASE LOOK AWAY NOW.
With my characteristic dash (dashing ahead without thinking, that is) I've agreed to give a number of Author Talks. I can happily ramble on in writing (as you well know if you follow my blog) but I'm not sure how I'll perform talking to an audience. To be honest, I find the idea rather daunting. (I have to talk for - how long? I've no idea! - about - what? . . .)
This is where you come in, my support network of brilliant blogbuddies.
If you have any ideas or suggestions about what you might want to hear an author talk about, were you to attend an Author Talk, please share your thoughts with me. I have quite a few ideas, but I also have a vague fear hovering in the dark recesses of my mind that I might run out of things to say and stand in front of my audience opening and closing my mouth like a gigantic fish . . .
CUT SHORT is available -
JUNE www.noexit.co.uk Virtual Book Launch starts here in June
JULY amazon.co.uk
AUGUST amazon.com
Thursday, 7 May 2009

VIRTUAL BOOK LAUNCH UK Publication date is 10th June. I'll put my email address here. When you receive a copy of Cut Short, please send me an email. Tell me who you'd like me to sign the book for, just as you would at any other book signing. I'll reply with a personal signed message which you can print out. As you stick the message in the front of your copy of Cut Short, please feel free to drink a glass of wine. I promise to have a drink at the same time, so we'll be sharing a virtual drink. (I realise this means I may have to drink solidly for some time, but a writer has to make some sacrifices for her reading public...)
CUT SHORT is available to preorder from http://www.noexit.co.uk/ for dispatch in JUNE.
You can preorder from amazon.co.uk for dispatch in July.
Whenever and wherever you find your copy, please email me directly for a signature, and don't forget to let me know who you'd like me to sign the book for, if you're buying it for a friend.
Please check the schedule of my Author Appearances on the post dated 9th April. If you can come along to one of these events, I'd love to see you there.
Thanks to all of you who are sharing this experience with me through my blog. I'll be needing your help again soon with ideas for what I should include in my Author Talks.
Thanks to all of you who are sharing this experience with me through my blog. I'll be needing your help again soon with ideas for what I should include in my Author Talks.
VIRTUAL BOOK LAUNCH USA It looks as though Cut Short may be available in the USA in July. More about this when the date is confirmed. Readers across the pond are of course welcome to order from www.noexit.co.uk
Virtual Signings will continue until Book 2 is published in 2010.
Why does time slow down when you're waiting? And how am I feeling right now? a) excited b) proud c) confident d) petrified ? Answers on (not in) a bottle (Champagne would be fine)
Saturday, 2 May 2009
Virtual Book Launch - see post of 22nd April
Schedule of Events - see post of 9th April

The girls in my local bookshop showed me a proof copy of my book! A proof copy is sent by the publisher to bookshops, reviewers, etc. It says 'not for resale' on the back so is not the finished article, but it's A REAL BOOK. I held it in my hand!
The London Bookshop will dispatch Cut Short around 10th June, publication date. Link on No Exit Press website.
Schedule of Events - see post of 9th April

The girls in my local bookshop showed me a proof copy of my book! A proof copy is sent by the publisher to bookshops, reviewers, etc. It says 'not for resale' on the back so is not the finished article, but it's A REAL BOOK. I held it in my hand!
The London Bookshop will dispatch Cut Short around 10th June, publication date. Link on No Exit Press website.
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