Saturday 27 June 2009

Cut Short gets glowing review in paper!

"a sure fire hit... taut, slick, easy to read... accomplished"
WATFORD OBSERVER 26th June Here I am, with my book, standing next to a sign in a car park that displays both the name and the logo of my publisher. . . NO EXIT... NO ENTRY... I'm rooted to the spot!

Next book signing - 4th July WATFORD Borders from 10.30
5th July HATFIELD Galleria Waterstones from 2pm
and don't forget the virtual book signing. THANK YOU to those of you who have bought a copy and emailed me for a virtual signature.

Wednesday 3 June 2009

The Virtual Book Launch is launched...

NEWS: Cut Short reviewed in Watford Observer -
"taut, slick, easy to read" "it's fascinating to hear her say she 'stumbled into writing' when faced with a first work that's so accomplished."

Next book signings - Borders in WATFORD Saturday 4th July from 10.30, Waterstones in HATFIELD GALLERIA Sunday 5th July from 2pm

Sold out at both book signings this weekend - Saturday WH Smith's Harrow 50 books, Sunday Borders London Colney 40 books. Thank you to everyone who bought Cut Short at these events.

Please email me on when you have your copy of Cut Short. Include the name you'd like me to sign the book for, and I'll send you a signed message for you to print out and stick in the book - a virtual book signing! Don't forget to drink a glass of wine as you do this. Thank you very much for your support. I look forward to hearing from you over the summer.

Please click on this link to publisher's website where you can see a schedule of my author visits I would love to meet fellow bloggers at any of these events.