Sunday 25 December 2011

News for Christmas

It's just been confirmed that DEATH BED, the new Geraldine Steel novel, is one of 35 thrillers included in the amazon kindle Christmas promotion. You can download it for 99p! Please tell all your friends and help to spread the word.
And DEATH BED is now on kindle @ $1.54
Happy Christmas everyone!

Friday 23 December 2011


I will be posting some BIG NEWS here on 26th December. Watch this space...

Tuesday 20 December 2011

ebook original

1. Look at the home page on my publisher's website
2. Read the article on Crime Time
3. Check out the original ebook
Thank you for looking and hopefully buying an ebook original this Christmas!

Friday 16 December 2011

Death Bed

DEATH BED the new Geraldine Steel novel is now available on kindle.

The print version is out in 2012.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

A little optimism at Christmas time!

It's been a long time since I've posted at any length here. I've been REALLY busy writing, going through edits, checking typescript, and book promotion and really haven't had time to think. I tend increasingly to post my news on facebook. Here's the link if you'd like to check it out and hopefully follow me.!/profile.php?id=100000039477919
I also try and update the news section on my website from time to time
My blog here is where I allow myself to think. It's great to have a site where I can ramble on without any concern for plot making sense, characters being consistent, or even writing prose that is coherent. Writing my books requires more focus. Here on my blog I can just ramble or, on occasion, rant. So - here I am once again - to ramble or to rant?
This year I've had a few rants online, for example about the shocking news of so many libraries closing - 6 out of 12 in Brent! But I'm feeling fairly optimistic this evening. I've just read an online article about readers out and spending money in the bookshops in the US, and I've been meeting lots of readers in Waterstones and the book sections of WH Smith's, at my recent book signings (lots of photos on facebook!) It remains to be seen what will happen to the bookshops as more people buy kindles, but things may turn out better than I've been fearing. Perhaps there really will be a place for both print books and ereaders. With alternative means of accessing books, maybe more young people will catch the reading habit. Let's keep our fingers crossed!
Good news this week: A reader recommended Dead End on a BBC Radio 2 phone in, and Dead End has been chosen by readers as one of the Best Crime Books for 2011. Here's the link if you'd like to give Dead End your support, and you can give your own books a plug at the same time! Just fill in the boxes on the right. There's no need to sign up or subscribe or even leave your email if you don't want to. It's very simple.
And some news for Christmas
Contact me on if you'd like an inscription for one of my books to make an original Christmas present.
And if you own a kindle - or are given one for Christmas - you can download my next novel Death Bed on 25th December! It will be out in print in 2012.


Thursday 8 December 2011

Vote for Dead End & Plug Your Own Books!

DEAD END reached the Top 5 nominations for Best Crime Book of 2011. Thank you for voting on
Don't forget to give your own writing a plug at the same time!
If you haven't voted yet, please follow the link and don't let the big publishers to win this one as well!

Monday 5 December 2011

A Day in the Life

With Christmas approaching, events are hotting up and I'm out in bookshops every Saturday and Sunday between now and Christmas, with signings every day between 17th and 22nd December. On Sunday I remembered to take my camera to Waterstones in Uxbridge and here's a photo record of my day:

I arrived before the store opened. I like to be early! Luckily I knew a coffee shop was just over the road so I was able to take a break before the day had even begun.

As usual, the bookshop put on a great display.

Here we go with the first sale of the day! Pretty soon the books were flying off the table, with a lot of fans dropping by for Road Closed and Dead End. Like the first guy to buy one of my books, readers new to Geraldine Steel were happy to buy Cut Short.

A lot of readers decided to buy all 3 books, either for themselves or as Christmas presents. Here's a selection of customers w ho were kind enough to agree to let me photograph them in the bookshop!

This lady bought a few copies of Dead End  as Christmas presents.

At last Michael arrived at 3 o'clock and we went out for tea!
Another book signing event was over, we had virtually sold out, with just 4 books left for the shelves, and the bookshop was pleased.
I really enjoy signing at this store and look forward to returning there
in 2012.
Thank you to Waterstones in Uxbridge for hosting a signing, and to all the local readers who came in to support their local bookshop.

Thursday 1 December 2011