"I never want to see anyone, and I never want to go anywhere or do anything. I just want to write." (P.G.Wodehouse)
I'll return to my blog next week but for a few days I have to focus on Cut Short. There are revisions in the pipeline. The eagle-eyed among you may notice a change from the cover design here and the final cover on the book, behind which lies a story in itself.
In short, I've received THE dreaded letter from my editor, and I have to do some WORK on my MS. Enough of all this writing for fun, it's time to sort my MS out. I promise to blog all about it when I recover from my insane writing fest... if I recover. It's a ... sorry, no time to think of a word ... got to crack on or crack up (or both).
Resist, girl, resist....
all the best
I know what you mean, Leigh. Nothing apart from basking in the glow of being a going-to-be-published author for weeks 'n' months and then suddenly, here are the things we need to discuss, can you do it in two weeks please!! Aaargh! But does actually begin to make you feel like a real, proper writer, doesn't it?
Good luck with all the revisions, sounds like a lot of work, but I'm sure that you will enjoy it. It does mean that it is all really happening though, and not a dream!
Am not gruntled (as P. G. would say) at the news that you are temporarily abandoning your fans in cyberspace, but am very gruntled that you're in the home stretch with Cut Short. The sooner you finish up, the sooner I get to see an ARC, and then - yay! - the final product!
Remember that the last 10% of any endeavo[u]r is usually as difficult, if not more so, as the first 90%. But that's where the quality comes in - that final push that transmutes the merely good into a work of rare genius.
So get to work, you rare genius, you!
I've been resisting all day but HAVE to say thank you for your comments here. I can't express my appreciation adequately.
More personal replies when I have time.
Good Luck!
Enjoy it, there won't be another 'First Time'!!
Remember, if you can keep your head whilst all around are losing theirs, then you probably weren't paying attention in the first place....
definitely DNA
Blimey Leigh! You travel around, don't you? I just visited one of my greatest friends from LA on his blogspot and who do I see there? You! I'm talking of Gerald Locklin, the fantastic poet who I've had the honour of having in my house on numerous occasions. His early poems are hilariously funny, although he has gone to more serious writing. I have not seen him for a few years but am in regular touch with.
Remember, if you can keep your head whilst all around are losing theirs, then you probably weren't paying attention in the first place....
Julie, you are a stitch!
(Americanism meaning you crease me up) ;-)
Kipling is probably rolling over in his grave...with laughter!
Leigh if you are cross eyed with corrections come and smell the humus over at my place - have a laugh at Dark Gold on the Journal blog if and only if you've got time. What's written is almost exactly how it happened...
Very distinctive house, Kiplings - visited a couple of times.
Shrine to Jungle book country among other things. Darkly atmospheric.
Bio on his son lost in WW1 on the box here the other night, Jack; tho I've seen it before.
I understand. Good luck. Sometime you'll have to tell us the story behind the cover.
Kipling also had a house Stateside - in Brattleboro, Vermont - where he wrote "The Jungle Books" and "Captains Courageous".
Still there, on Kipling Road. Just ask at the general store for directions.
Hi Leigh,
If you need a fresh eye, I am willing to help with reading if you like. Every time I go through my manuscript I see things that I could change and wonder why I didn't see them before. I think you can get TOO familiar with your own work sometimes.
Press forward with what's important, the blog and comments will be here when you get back.
Warm wishes,
Leigh, hope things are going well.
The weekend has been very quiet without you, but we'll hold the fort till you get back...
You need to relax.
You need fiber.
So eat plenty of pineapples pls.
Offer some to your editor too.
Don't forget to mention, "thanks for making me going through this, now I hope you crap a pineapple".
On a serious note, congrate on the progress.
Love the label 'crack on or crack up' - very apt for me! It sounds like you have alot on also - nothing like a deadline to make you focus. You are right, I am coping, probably better than I realise, thanks for the reminder!
Best of luck with the revision. I'm sure you'll do fine. As the famous line of Tim Gunn, "Make it work!"
Good thoughts being sent your way.
Best of luck with the revisions. Looking forward to reading your next post after you've done what you have to do.
Good luck :-)
General reply to everyone (sorry to be impersonal) the nightmare continues as I struggle to rewrite virtually my whole book.... lots to put right as direct result of my naive belief that this was easy... I feel like a lump of meat shoved through a mincer as my poor editor tries to convert a naive amateur into an accomplished professional author. I'M LOVING IT! Having such a great time. But I think my publisher's probably having kittens. Can't hang around chatting (would love to) -THANK YOU so much for the supportive comments. It's a great help. You're all playing a part in getting this book written. Like Arnie, I'll be back... hopefully next week, blogging away again. I'll visit you all when I'm back. Leigh x
ps 4 letters on my keyboard have completely worn away!
Every best wish. Sounds like a steep but very interesting learning curve, and we'll be looking out for your return. It's pretty quiet on the Western Front at the moment...
...Who was it said 'Kill your darlings?'
...and popular name for those who critique a writers work is 'critters'.
Know who that feels!
I lost my H-key a year ago ... and of course I have my mistakes that H must be the most common letter in Your language ... grrrrrr
Good luck in the process!
hey leigh! good luck with the edits!
Happy writings and scribblings!
P.G. Wodehouse is one of my favourites! my little sister #2 stole the collection of Jeeves and Wooster stories my mother just bought, so I have yet to finish reading them. I'm so glad I've made some dort of psyco imprint on you! have you seen these new funky shaped ones? called Kone and Kurve? coolest vaccumes ever! I'm pushing my luck, but hopeing Santa may bring me one this year. haha! I found a picture to upload for you from when I was about hmmm it had to be before I turned four, because we moved, but in my old bedroom there was me sitting stark naked on my bed, with my little play vaccume in the background, in quite appropriate primary colors. I'll see if I can post it for you soon.
Hi Ashley, I'll pop by and have a look soon.
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