It's been a while since I last wrote on this blog. I've been busy writing. My publisher has postponed the publication of my first book, CUT SHORT. We missed the 2008 Spring date. I have since learned that such delays are common in this business. My publisher did not want to bring the book out over the Summer as this would clash with festivals in which they are interested, after which everything is focused on Christmas. So we've rescheduled, as the Americans say, until early 2009.
I now understand why producing a book is likened to producing a child. After the fun of the creative process, it's a long, long wait...
I'm more excited about the book itself than the publication. When I was waiting to hear about the deal with my publisher, a friend said to me the nightmare would be that in the end no one would publish my writing. But that's not it. For me the nightmare would be that I stopped writing. It has been an amazing thrill to find a publisher, but that's not what this is about for me. It's all about the writing. I love it.
CUT SHORT is listed on Amazon as due out next month. On my publisher's website it's March 2009. Like Hamlet, I don't know when it will be, but I know it will happen. And whenever it is, I'm ready! In the meantime, I'm writing.
Good luck with the publication date whenever it happens to end up being! It sounds as if you are enjoying the writing, and that is the main thing.
Thanks for your tips, its feeling like a long wait to start at the moment!
Leigh, I was really surprised to see a comment from you on my blog.
I thought that you were kidnapped and sold as a captive husband for some old bearded woman looking to find a soul mate.
I'm sorry to hear about the delay, but I was told that the timing of publication can be the difference between a hit and a complete miss. I'm sure your publisher was right to do what he/she did.
Good to hear from you mate.
Glad to hear you're back and still writing. I hope you can sell something you have in progress while you're waiting for 'Cut Short' to come out.
Glad to see an updated post on your blog, I've been visiting from time to time to see if you were back.
Lucky you to be getting your book published, even if you're not quite sure when. I'm hoping - fingers crossed - to be approaching agents/publishers at the end of the year, although I have had a bit of interest already from MacMillan New writers. I guess then my long wait will begin.
Just want to say;
I am very happy to see that
You are back here online again
(( hug ))
It's so nice to have comments again. I've missed the blog. There was no reason for my absence. I've just been busy writing. I keep trying not to start a new project and then an idea pops into my head and I can't resist! You writers out there know what I mean. It can become a bit of an obsession.
"I never want to see anyone, and I never wnat to go anywhere or do anything. I just want to write." (P.G Wodehouse) But I've surfaced again for a while... !
ps 'wnat' should be want... (sigh)
AKASHA - for some reason I couldn't access your blog to reply so will do so here. MacMillan sounds amazing! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
I love the cover!!! And I wish it was coming out now, I can't wait to read it. :) Maybe an excerpt????
I know several writers who have had this happen with them for publication dates. It's not at all unusual, though I can imagine it's a bit of a dissapointment. Still, it'll be even sweeter when it comes out.
Glad to see you back, and glad you have been productive.
Welcome back and keep writing! Well done on the positive attitude :-)
Hey Leigh, good luck with it. I've been thinking about you and your book.
It'll be published before you know it. I'm also very glad to see you're back online.
Thanks for the comments on my blog. ;)
Good to read an update for your book, but I'm sorry it's taking so long!
It will be worth the wait, I'm sure.
It's been a while...
Leigh, you are the master (mistress?) of understatement! Clearly I'm not the only one who thought you'd been kidnapped; I was almost ready to brave the horrors of Terminal Five to come over and rescue you! :-)
Welcome back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good luck with the book whenever the production time is. On the subject of my blog-
I didn't realise it dinged till I was showing the blog to my mum( tend to not bother with sound on computer when blogging). Its part of that nicer lives for chickens thing Hugh Fearnly is promoting. So will continue the sound while that is on.Hope you are well. Bet you are on your next book now ( writing).Best wishes, Fizz.
Long time no see Leigh ... I thought that you could have been dead. I visited from time to time and got really worried. Phew, he's ok.
I am very busy writing too, I was off line for a while, due to internet and router problems, that's why I'm a little late in replying, and off line meant back to writing episodes for Middle Ditch.
Glad your back, keep in touch.
Thanks Leigh. You're right it is amazing; I've got my fingers crossed for myself!!
Not sure why you couldn't get on my blog...better luck next time. (I've just posted the start of a short story.)
Hi! Really good to hear from you again, and thank you for the comment on my blog, I had been wondering what you were doing and how your book was going. I hope you're not too disappointed with the delay. I've just spent some time in a publishing company, so can understand how it happens. I hope your writing is going well, and you are having fun with that. Re your comment: No, I'm trying not to be reckless too often!
Leigh! I'm so glad you came over to my blog! And I'm happy you're back online again! Yes, I got your comment. Come over and visit anytime!
Another whole year, good god!
Still, I have a friend who is a poet and his first collection has just come out, fourteen years after a publisher said they wanted to publish it! It is different for poets though because new poetry doesn't sell so publishers usually have to get funding.
I guess your next book will be ready for the editing process by the time this one is in the shops.
Thanks for the e-visit.
Hi Leigh,
Thanks for the visit and good luck with the publication date, I'll be looking for it.
Actually, I write my rough drafts in notebooks (I know it's old fashioned but it's actually better for me because I'm on the go a lot with the kids and I hate typing on the laptop, preferring the pc keyboard). Office supply stores are my second biggest spending foible, but then I can't borrow pens and notebooks and reams of paper at a library, so I don't feel so bad about those necessities! :-) Nice to meet you.
Thank you to all my old blog buddies for your kind welcome messages. I'll have to bunk off again for a while, it's so nice to feel so welcomed back. Virtual friendship rocks.
Hi merry monteleone - a new buddy! Keep in touch.
Anne - how did you know? Bet you can't guess how I escaped the old bearded woman though...
Leigh, lovely to have you back blogging again. I've received a message from Amazon re your book being delayed so shall re-pre order with them now that I know what's going on.
So glad to hear you're writing well. Best of luck.
Thank you Debs! I look forward to hearing what you think of it in due course.
Good reviews on Amazon, bad ones to be carefully folded, shoved in a cracked bottle and thrown into the ocean please...
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