Did I mention that CUT SHORT has reappeared on my publisher's website? Eagle eyed readers of my blog may notice a subtle change in the cover reflecting a change in Geraldine Steel's status. I wonder if other books change as much from conception to the finished article? And CUT SHORT is not done yet. The MS is still with the editor so there may be further tweaking before it is finally published. I'll be quite sad when it's all over, really. It will be the end of an era for me. On the plus side, I will (all being well) (fingers crossed) be a published author! What will I blog about then? I suppose I'll be climbing the next mountain... "sold another copy today!"
Or maybe you'll be blogging about your next book :D I can't wait to read the first, it's on my list for next year!
Wow! I am so impressed by your accomplishment. I came over from Mima's blog because your name seemed familiar. Now I remember: you've commented on my own blog. Thank you for that.
Thanks for comments, glad the book development is moving along- perhaps there will be a sequel.
I saw you at Charles' blog, and am glad to see you back in the blogosphere!
I think you'll find plenty to blog about. You'll have to tell us what is happening with promotion and reviews and that sort of thing. And then there's always the next book.
You've certainly kept a great attitude through the process. It was a shock reading the edits may still not be done.
ELIZABETH PLATT That's so exciting that you want to buy a copy of my book. Thank you. We had a visit from an old pro at my school this week who said she can't remember how many books she's published! I'll be excited by every copy that sells! I'm such an ingenue (at my age!)
SAN hi there. I remember your blog being inspiring. I must drop by again soon.
FIZZYCAT my old blogbuddy. There are always sequels to my books. I've got about 20 Geraldine Steel books in me I reckon, before the finale that's already in my head.
CHRISELDIN recognise that butt anywhere.
CHARLES GRAMLICH there's always a next book - I've got a couple of ideas simmering away. Too little time! Not enough hours in the day.
BERNARDL best not to be shocked by anything in this game, I think. Maybe I'm just cynical about human nature (but how could I write crime fiction otherwise?) To be fair, I did ask to receive the edits for next week when I'm on half term (but I'm working on another book - help!) Good to hear from you.
I agree with Charles...I think the rollercoaster gets even crazier after publication.
You'll could always tell us about how your new book is going.
Congratulations! I'll look out for your book when it's finally published.
BRITTA COLEMAN - I'm looking forward to the rollercoaster! Can't wait!
ANNE - my new book is now with my "editors" i.e. my family. I'm trying to train them to tell me what I need to hear... i.e. not that they do/don't like it (definitely not the latter! horrors!!) but to point out the inconsistencies and nonsenses that inevitably arise when you rework a MS. Once this one's over, I'll start to rework the 2nd in my series that begins with CUT SHORT. So much to do! I love it!
DABRAH - thank you for the interest. I'll definitely let you know when CUT SHORT's finally out there (if I live that long!)
I have about 9 ideas currently clamouring to be written but I wonder if I'm beginning to develop certain themes that recur... Does anyone else find that?
Nice to hear from you..
But nice!
Hi SLEEPY I can live with strange. Nice is better. Keep in touch.
I cannot wait to buy this book and read it!!
There will always be something to blog about, just as there is always another book in your head!
DMM - Thank you. I can't wait either, although the waiting has become a kind of way of life in itself. I won't believe it when the book is finally out.
MIMA - yes, I've got an ideas file with different snippets of this and that... but there's never enough time! What's that line from a song about life getting in the way? Not to mention the glorious art of procrastination... (I should have used that as the name for my blog.)
Hi Leigh - thank you for visiting my blog. Like you, I started blogging to 'practice' my writing. Unlike you, I've never written a whole book, and doubt I ever will. What an achievement - well done! I shall look out for your book next year.
Take care :-)
Hi Leigh
I admire your patience and I am very impressed with your stats. It seems to me you will have folk queuing up for your book the moment it hits the shops! (I'll likely get one for my hubby to read to me — my eyesight is not good enough for reading books now but the computer is okay)
Oh that I could have your zeal for promotion!
I have a signing/selling session in Ulverston on July 8th. Will anyone buy a book I ask myself. I guess it is best to see the event as a bit of self-promotion, or so the advice seems to be. Trouble is, although I can extrovert when necessary, I am a bit of a shrinking violet inside.
Anyway, I look forward to seeing what is under that excellent cover!
You'd be blogging about your next cover and to be honest, I can't wait!
Kepp blogging whatever happens :>)
Thanks for passing by. Yes knitting a jam sandwich for a charity knit thing. It will not be filled with cotton wool either in any shape or form.
Thanks for visiting my blog. I must say, I'm surprised at how long it takes from start to finish (start being when it's actually been written) to get a book onto the shelves. You could be one or two books further along by then.
Haven't heard from you for ages, so thanks for the visit - how is everything going with you? Have you started onto the next book, is it going to be a series? Hopefully everything is moving ahead smoothly for you!
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