Hi there, blog buddies. Go to http://www.noexit.co.uk/ and click on the 3rd item on the left hand menu - Forthcoming Titles. Scroll down and check out the 3rd title... and click on the title itself. Ha! Only you (and I, and my publisher and editor, and my family) know that the author is still working on editing the MS (as we in the trade call the manuscript.) Yes, I'm beginning to dare to feel a tiny bit pleased with myself... !
You can click on the AI box to find where the description "seriously creepy" appears...
OK, now I'm just showing off...
I'm heading there right now, Leigh.
Show off all you wish, if I was in your position I wouldn't be able to stop myself directing everyone to that link.
I thought your book had by far the most attractive cover of the bunch, too.
Thank you, Rick
and thank you Erin. Glad you like the cover. It was the subject of some discussion on an earlier post - not that I had any input into it. I discussed with the publisher what I wanted, and then they went ahead and produced something entirely different. But presumably they know what the bookshops might like, and I do really like the cover design. As I'm a complete unknown, apparently it was important the cover was fairly clear about the genre. Makes sense.
Cool. I'm very happy for you!.
How bl**dy exciting!!!!
Almost there, almost there! That's so so exciting :D
I'm trying not to get excited yet but WHOOPEE! that is, er, let's wait and see...
Very good news.
Thanks, bernardl. I'm just off on my rounds to visit you.
Just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to visit and comment on my blog! Best of fortune with your novel :)
Thanks, Kim. Remember, when your kid grows up and leaves home, the compensation is that you get to take over his bedroom! (Sorry, if you're reading this, to my daughter whose bedroom I've now claimed as my territory, complete with brand new desk (very exciting), computer, radio and books - and my manuscripts of course!)
How exciting, I'm going to have a peek now.
Debs, peeking out of your shed...
Leigh, you've arrived! I've clicked on the Amazon box to let me be notified when it becomes available. You must be so excited, and to tell you the truth it's sounds like just my kind of book and I can't wait to read it. Congratulations!
Whoo Hoo!!
Yes, I am getting excited. And I have a cool idea about sharing the excitement with my loyal friends on the blog who've stuck with me and encouraged me for SO long! But that's for the future. Next week's post will have to be about my meeting (on Monday) with the editor - sorry The Editor - or should I say My Editor.
As you say, Sleepy, cracking! Can always rely on you for a pithy and wholly original comment.
Where are you, Bill? You can't desert me, just when exciting things are starting to happen. I may still need your unique blend of humour and erudition to see me through.
OK, Leigh, down, girl! Flattery will get you everywhere. I have followed your directions (and your link) and am in utter awe of the forthcoming masterpiece!
(And to think that I once called your publisher "www.DeadEnd.co/uk" - how wrong I was!)
I am very excited for you. But I must ask: Why the bloody hell haven't you finished the aforesaid masterpiece? And again: why in tarnation are you telling us that you haven't? Surely most people prefer to hide their feet of clay in a pair of elegant purple boots (of which, bye the bye, I happen to know you are the proud possessor)?
I have googled the hamlet of Woolsmarsh, and am intrigued to learn that it once housed an asylum for demented schoolteachers turned novelists. Inasmuch as I am trying to get my own galleys back to the printer, with mixed success, I am thinking of booking a flying visit so I can check out the facility, and perhaps draw up plans to restore it to its former glory. After all, you and I will need a retirement home eventually, and how nice it will be to natter on about POVs and present tense vs. past tense and plot arcs and turning points with a bevy of fellow sufferers in our sunset years. Whaddya think?
Now be a good girl and finish up. Me, I'm gonna get back to my errata sheet and try to track down that pesky missing Afterword that has somehow fallen out of the latest iteration. Does your publisher tend to lose things, too?
Right, a solution to your photo problem of yourself on the back cover of your new book. Methinks you need to introduce an element of mystery to your ID. How about adopting an Kendo Nagasaki type image?
TF aka DOES THE CAMERA LIE? (My mask ;-)
How fantastic for you. It certainly deserves a big Woo Hoo. I edited my MS until I nearly had to rewrite it ... Lol! Get yourself to the stage where you just "neat and tidy" it up. Then, (the hard bit), you have to let it go ... with all it's warts!
From what I've read, I'm hoping I can acquire a review copy to do a review on my blog. The psychological aspect of a killer in a park drew me in right away.
Good stuff! Congratulations!!!
Had a look... fantastic!
For your cover picture get the youngest child you know to draw you!
A Crayola you!
Bill - People sometimes ask me what I think of my publisher and I have to say, I love my publisher. Because - apart from the fact that she is a genuiunely lovely person - she's publishing my book! As for my honesty here, well, I did set out to share something about my experience as a scribbler turned published author, so it's here, warts and all. (That last has nothing to do with my hideous photos, by the way.)
And yes, put my name down for the asylum turned retirememt home for senile writers. The rate I'm going, won't be long now...
tom foolery - yes, I think drastic measures are called for...
aggie - you know, I'm not even thinking about "letting go"... not sure I like the idea. And all the comments - (adverse ones???) - No, I'm going to focus on the party I'll throw when the book comes out. I can do that...
barbara martin - sounds fantastic. Thank you. And you're right, the killer in the park does have depths I hadn't consciously planned. Makes sense when you read the book, though, and discover who the killer is... ! Can't say more... !
fizzycat - thanks!
sleepy - a Crayola me! I love it!
I'm answering comments individually because (apart from having more comments on my blog!) without wanting to sound cheesy, I really appreciate all the support I've received from YOU over the long long months I've been writing this blog. It's really kept me going. So I'm grateful to each and every one of my virtual friends. Don't want to lump you all together, you're all so different, and all equally supportive. I have plans for you!!!
Leigh - I am so pleased for you and to have found your blog. It's really helpful. Congrats on getting published. I've just been asked by an interested publisher (through my agent) to split my family saga into a trilogy. I'm in Limbo at the moment - I've submited the re-worked first m/s and am waiting to hear whether they want to offer me a contract for the trilogy.
Hi Annieye, nice to meet you. I'll pop over to your blog soon and take a look. I hope you hear about your book deal soon. It's a nail biting time, isn't it? Best of luck with it and keep in touch.
Wow, wow and wow again. To be compared with all those famous crime writers. Roll on the production team.
I'm so pleased for you Leigh.
Oh, and I forgot I have two daughters too!! In their twenties now, with their own homes, one has a brand new husband and my youngest finally found herself a little dream house after years of living in a dull flat with her fantastic boyfriend.
You are missing several episodes of MD Leigh.
I just looked ---congratulations!!! It sounds gripping, a real page-turner!!!!
Ha! Is saying "Bloody exciting" that bad in England? I saw some of it blanked out. I might have some bloody fun with this word.....
Okay, enough.
That all looks really exciting!
middle ditch - thank you! Glad your daughters are doing well. Something else we have in common, the two daughters. I must come over and catch up on MD soon.
chriseldin :-) What sort of language are you picking up from my blog!?
helenmh - thank you. All supportive comments gratefully accepted.
If 'bloody' is looking a bit contoversial, I would like to throw a solid, "Crikey", in to the mix!
I'm not sure I'd like to be on the receiving end of a solid crikey. Sounds hazardous.
It's coming closer and closer, congratulations! Will you do a "bloggy giveaway" for your readers when your book comes out? ;-)
Wow, I am so excited for you!
I can't wait to read it. I would be chuffed to bits if I was in your shoes!
Hi Marit - I'm thinking about how to share the experience with my blog friends... more on that later.
Yes world according to me (you) - chuffed is the word.
Congratulations, it sounds exciting and I will be definitely be placing an order, right up my street.
I also read the bio, how odd I went to Kent and did American and English lit as well and then went into primary teaching! However I was now so great and hence now doing second degree to make up for past dismeanours.
Well done Leigh! What a marvelous end to a terrible roller coaster for you.
I wish you all the best with this, and future publications.
Past misdemeanours, Mel? Could there be a book in there, you naughty thing...?
Thanks, Anne - though it's not over yet. Hoping for the best, but the book still has to come out and then it has to sell...
I'm determined to do what I can, especially as the amazing person who originally inspired and encouraged me is now seriously ill. So I really want to make a success of it if I possibly can.
You *should* be pleased with yourself! What a huge accomplishment. Congrats and kudos!
Thanks, Britta. As I said earlier, "it ain't over till it's over" but I'll happily bask in kudos for now - until I have to start work again after my meeting with the editor!!! today.
Will let you know more about the process when I'm back. (Remember, I promised to share something of my experience here.)
Hi, thanks for visiting my blog again
I went to a crime writing workshop yesterday run by Mark Billingham (don't know if you've heard of him?). Very entertaining, hopefully gives me enough of a kick up the arse to do my own crime writing.
Yes, I'm reading Mark Billingham right now. Excellent. What did he say? I'm coming over to your blog to see what I can glean... but surely no one would want to kick your furry little black and white arse?
Leigh, you have to let me know when your book is out. I have been chomping at the bit waiting. I love your cover and plot. You're almost there, I'm sure you can taste it!!
Don't worry, dmm. I'll let everyone know! Everyone who's been generous enough to blog me through this long haul, that is. Reading all the encouraging comments has really helped.
You have all the rights to show off. :-)
How exciting! Saw the link you mentioned, it's real and happening. Let us know when it hits the book shelves! Thanks for taking time to drop by mine too.
Hi Vesper, thanks for dropping by :)
Don't worry, wisdom, I'll be telling everyone!
Awesome! Congratulations!
Thank you, virginia lady. I hope my comment on your blog is useful.
wow! congrats - that's a real live book!
and thanks for the comment on my blog. crime fiction is my favorite genre. glad i landed here.
Hi Vidya - nice to hear from you.
Leigh, how exciting that the time has nearly come for you to be a published author, the first time that you walk into a bookshop and see the title on the shelves will be just amazing!
Great to hear from you again, Mima and thanks. When the time comes, I'll be blogging all about it!
Ooooh! Love it. Can't wait 'til it hits the shops!!
You and me both, Akasha!
All right, I'm reporting your inactivity to the blog police and you're going to get a ticket, young lady.
Who is this "young" lady, Rick? And what is she doing muscling in on my blog?!
The concept of "muscling in a blog" made me laugh so hard I knocked over my coffe. My formerly white cat is not happy this morning.
Wow, get you and your famousness! I would be so scared and excited I would not be able to function properly was I in your position right now.
Congrats, congrats, congrats!
I will definitely buy your book, it sounds fab :)
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