Monday, 8 December 2008

I'm resigned to the prospect of a further delay in publication. The problem seems to be that the editor is too busy to have time for my insignificant little MS. She tells me she can't say when she'll have time to look at it, but she can't begin work on it for at least another month.

I wonder why was I put under pressure to rush the changes I was asked for?

At least people who suffer rejection can take comfort from knowing that being accepted for publication really isn't that great either! I suspect I'll be drowning my sorrows rather than partying on the publication date that appears on the publisher's website. . .


Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

What a drag for you. I do hope your publisher gets to look at it soon, I'm so looking forward to reading it.

Leigh Russell said...

The way things are going, it doesn't look as if anyone's going to read it. I'm afraid my little book's going to disappear down a black hole that's opening up between my publisher and my editor . . .

Leigh Russell said...

But don't worry, Debs - if all else fails, I can always put it on my blog - an 85,000 word post. Hmmm. Maybe not!

Charles Gramlich said...

Hurry up and wait is the practice in publishing, at least in my experience.

Spy Scribbler said...

Aww, good luck! It'll get read! They paid for it, right? They don't want to lose their money!

Barbara Martin said...

Leigh, you must keep your spirits and faith up. I have read elsewhere this time of year is a slowdown for publishing companies due to dinner and luncheon commitments throughout their industry.

Start work on something new, at least continue to write. It is very important to think positive.

Leigh Russell said...

Thanks, Charles. I'm resigned to the worst now, so it can only get better.

Leigh Russell said...

I hope you're right, Spy Scribbler. What you say makes sense, but when did that ever make any difference?!

Leigh Russell said...

I haven't stopped writing, Barbara. Thank you for the encouragement.

Anonymous said...

How frustrating for you. Keep up your pressure on both of them - if they complain, tell them they didn't mind hassling you, so fair turn about.
It will happen ... hang in there.

Leigh Russell said...

I think that's the worst of it, Aggie. It's not fair. But that's life . . .

Wizbit said...

Bug them and bug them!

It must be driving you crazy but don't get down, just think of it as a minor delay in the awesomeness that'll be launch day.

Leigh Russell said...

Thanks, Elizabeth. I wish I felt that confident. I'm getting the feeling I may have to move on...

fizzycat said...

Oh no what a shame I was going to tag you for 6 things that make you happy . I guess publication would be one of them, any others.
The rules…
Link to the person who gave you the award. If you want.
Post the rules on your blog.
List six things that make you happy.
Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
Let each person know they’ve been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
Let the person who awarded you know when your entry is up.