Please check list on 9th April post for changes
I can hardly type for excitement. I've seen the pdf of the cover of Cut Short. Is that really my book? (naked corpses... a twisted killer... murderous obsessions... ) and then, just to finish it off... Leigh Russell is a secondary school teacher!
And as if all that's not scary enough - I see the url of my blog is on the cover! (What have I been writing here? how do I delete my posts? is my honesty about to come back and bite me on the - wherever it is honesty comes back to bite.) OK, I admit it. I'm not doing much of a job persuading anyone I can write anything worth reading. (Note to self - must try harder!) (But ... have I said anything uncomplimentary about my wonderful publisher over the course of this long rambling blog? And surely, surely I haven't been rude - not positively rude about Amazon?) Oh heck! There aren't that many people around who talk to me - I can see the number dwindling... I don't care. I'll lock myself in the garden shed.
Please see the list of my schedule of author events on 9th April post.
Links to sites where Cut Short's available for despatch in JUNE
http://www.waterstones.com/waterstonesweb/simpleSearch.do?simpleSearchString=CUT+SHORT+LEIGH+RUSSELL+&searchType=0&Image1.x=18&Image1.y=12 AMAZON.COM
THE BOOK DESPOSITORY http://www.bookdepository.co.uk/browse/book/isbn/9781842432716
Cut Short, available from bookshops & online from Waterstones, WH Smiths, Borders, & all other online UK book suppliers bar one. Due to a fault, amazon.co.uk can’t display this title at present. If you’d like to help my efforts to rectify their fault: uk-marketing@amazon.co.uk
such an achievement. i feel envy now. every one who loves to write would dream to have his own book published with his name on it.
congratulations! that makes it pretty obvious you are really good.
nice page!
Thanks, Iriz. That cheered me up. Looking over my last few posts highlights what a rollercoaster this all is. I have to say, once again, the support I've received from fellow bloggers has been a real help. Who said writing is a solitary occupation? I feel as though I've shared a lot of my experience, especially about becoming published.
OK, take a deep breath and step back from the keyboard for a moment. Relax, relax.
grats leigh, that's wonderful! :)
have a glass or two of your fave, put your feet up, unwind... tomorrow, get your ass back on the chair and fingers on the keyboard :O lol
Charles - promise you won't laugh... I printed out the pdf, folded it, and wrapped it round another paperback. It's on my shelf now, masquerading as a real book. ( you said you wouldn't laugh...)
laughingwolf - I think this calls for champagne - Leigh checks wine cellar (?) (Oh, OK cheap plonk then!)
Thanks for the support - you and Charles both. I really do appreciate it.
I just looked at the book shelf again... must reread what Charles said. relax, relaxBy the way, blog buddies - I was rereading a favourite author last night and came across THREE typos in one paragraph. And that was a Penguin book. I'm so glad I'm with No Exit Press (I hope my publisher's reading this, after putting my blog link on the cover of the book...)
If anyone dares to say they've found a typo in my book, I'll be as impervious as Amazon - "No, the correct spelling's there. I don't know why you can't see it." ! (I rather like that. Think I'll use it on a post - 'as impervious as Amazon'.)
And please don't mention
relax relaxBy the way
It looks absolutely fine to me! I've moved to Amazonia.
For anyone new to my blog -Amazon.co.uk insist my book is displayed on their website when it clearly isn't. Amazon.co.uk are ignoring all requests from my publisher (and me!) to rectify this. If you lived anywhere but the uk you'd be able to see my book on your local amazon site (it's even listed in Japanese!) Cut Short is available through all online uk book suppliers except amazon.co.uk who flatly refuse to acknowledge their mistake.
Chill, its published!I'm watching the post for my copy.
Thanks, fizzycat. That's really kind. I hope you like it. As soon as I find out how to scan my signature, I'll put my email on the blog with details of my Virtual Book Launch! Watch this space...
Schedule of events, as promised. I'd love to see you if you can come along to any of them.MAY
28th Harrow Writers Circle
20th WH Smiths Harrow
21st Borders London Colney
24th London Launch
28th Waterstones Hatfield
3rd Pinner Library
4th Borders Watford
9th Waterstones Harrow
11th Borders Cambridge
14th Finding the Plot Uxbridge
15th Finding the Plot Harrow
18th Waterstones Bath
22nd NWR Harrow
27th North Harrow Library
30th Big Green Bookshop Wood Green
10th Watford Writers Circle
18th Ealing Library
20th Borders Brighton
2nd Ruislip Manor Library
21st Hatch End Library
23rd Pitshanger Bookshop Ealing
15 April 2009 15:17
It took a while to enter this clearly - and MAY is still in the wrong place. I'm glad I don't do this for a living - I'd be out the door in a trice.
How exciting! You're almost there now. I looked at the list of events hoping to see that one was Waterstones in Milton Keynes, because they often have authors coming in to sign their books, but you seem to be mainly in London. How does the virtual book launch work?
I'll do a post about my Virtual Book Launch soon, I promise, dabrah. At the moment I'm preoccupied with my battle against Amazon.co.uk. (In fact, if anyone wants to to email uk-marketing@amazon.co.uk with a polite request to display Cut Short by Leigh Russell, do you think it might help to wake them up?)
Hi Leigh, congratulations on this acheivement. Amazon UK has taken many books with the tag of 'gay' or 'lesbian,' or 'homosexual' off their list. If you have any of these tags, this could be why.
It's now been spotted by the media and other 'powers' so there is still a chance they'll be forced to do something about it. They claim that it's a glitch. Maybe this has nothing to do with your book at all. I forgot to check your tags.
Yes, I will buy it from another souce when it's out. You don't seem to be coming my way for a book signing, or I'd be there. Let me know if you're in Bristol some time.
Lovely to hear from you, Anne. Of course I'll let you know if I'm ever in Bristol.
Amazon seem to have stopped insisting my book is displayed and are now saying they can't understand why it isn't... Get your act together, guys!
I'll be sending you a (virtual) invitation to my Virtual Book Launch soon! Watch this space.
That's really cool and exciting.
Thanks, Guillaume. Bien venu ici...
I'm moving the schedule to a new post shortly so I can update it.
WH Smiths in Henley-on-Thames 25th July
Hey there - I've been in and out of the blog community. I'm so glad to hear I can pre-order your book. I'm running out of books to read...I'm currently reading 19Minutes - however, I thinks it's a bad idea to read as a mother of a 5 year who worries about her child and his going ons all the time.
I will def. check out the link and get my book ordered!
BTW - CONGRATS!! I can't wait to read it!!
I guess it's not at Barnes & Nobles yet? ;)
Strangely, not at Barnes & Nobles, DMM. I'll deal with them later - currently busy waging war on the mighty amazon (if it can be called a war when one side is oblivious of the conflict...?)
stop pressAuthor Signing Henley-on-Thames 1st August (not 25th July)
Thanks for your support DMM!
OMG!!! A billion congratualtions to you -man I am so happy for you -I have always wanted to write since I was a young kid and I am so happy when I see others have success in the field -I am pretty broke now -but as I come into the little bits (shards i should call them -haha) of money I do I will try to get your book-A really nice relative actually sent me a nice bit of money around my birthday-I had not had it in my pocket for more than an hour I would say than I think I got a speeding ticket-so I am crossing my fingers I didn't-will have to wait a couple of weeks to see if I am "safe"-if I didn't I might be able to check out your book-sorry to be so overly wordy -I am very happy for you-Ruth Rendell is one of my favorite authors of all time-I really enjoy the genre and need to read more of it! all the best!!
This truly must be one of the best feelings in the world!!! Many many congratulations on reaching this day! I'm a fan already...
Hi Devin - how nice of you to be so excited for me! And I'm sorry about your speeding ticket. That's... no, I won't use bad language here. Keep in touch and let us know how your writing's going. Let me know if you do get around to buying Cut Short, and I'll definitely invite you to my Virtual Book Launch!
Hi Chris - haven't seen you around here for a while. Welcome back. Life's been a real rollercoaster lately. I've moved on from: "Will my book ever be published?" to: "Will anyone actually buy it?" and soon to come: "Will anyone like it?"
I feel as though I've joined the Mad Hatter's Tea Party in Alice in Wonderland. I'm moving round the table, in different hats, going... round the table... I thought getting published would be a conclusion, but it's the start of a new chapter (sorry about the cliche, but it seemed appropriate!)
Thanks for being "a fan". Yay! I have a fan! Expect an invitation to my Virtual Book Launch in due course... (if I can work out how to scan my signature...)
Hi Leigh,
As President of your fan club, I just scheduled an appearance for you on the Book Roast.
It's for April 30, and you're not allowed to change it because once you're on the sidebar, there's no turning back.
Seriously though, can you email me to see if this is okay? I'll discuss the details with you.
I ordered my book yesterday...62 days until it'll be sent. I can't wait - I only hope it gets here before my 8 hour flight to Barcelona!! I'll need something to occupy my mind on the flight...
Congrats and again cannot wait to get it!!
Hi Chris - what an excellent fan club president you are! I'm so glad you agreed to head up my busy fan club that has... (pause while Leigh counts heads) one member... (so far!)
As for the Book Roast - I wonder if we could reschedule to 30th May to tie in with the Virtual Book Launch (I've promised to do it, so I will...)
Seriously, thanks for the support.
Oh my goodness, DMM - another book flies off the shelves - that makes... at least a dozen so far... and it's not even published yet.
(So there, amazon.co.uk! That's at least 12 sales 2 months ahead of publication - just today WH Smiths committed to 200 books and 2 Waterstones branches are ordering 140 between them - who says Cut Short doesn't exist, eh? Huh?... To which amazon.co.uk replies...SILENCE)
Back to planet earth - Thank you for your support, DMM. I really appreciate it.
Hey, congrats! You're really close now :-)
Thanks, Tam. I'll soon be counting the days...
Leigh, you don't need to beat yourself up so much. You've got a published book out, so of course you can write well. We writers all have doubts, but that's part of our craft. You'll be fine and so will your future books.
Thanks, Barbara! I certainly hope my book's more readable than this rambling self-indulgent blog!
Hi Leigh...I feel so excited for you; A Book! A Book! You have an actually honest to god book in print. Yeehar!!
I have emailed amazon, complaining that your book's not listed on the uk online shopping pages, and asked why not. I'll let you know if they reply. But never fear, I will be buying your book - I can't wait to read it.
A big WELL DONE you.
Leigh, when the filming rights are coming in, please, please, let me be the one to write the script? I promise I will stick totally to the story.
Mind you the powers that be will have their own writers and want nothing to do with a little unknown like me.
Thank you thank you thank you Akasha - I'm so excited that you're going to buy my book! Yeehar indeed.
Middle Ditch - I'll flatly refuse to allow anyone but you to write the script. If Hollywood producers have the temerity to quibble, I'll tell them to keep their million dollar contract and stick it up their proverbials... no one but Monique will do! And they'll come running along the corridor after me, toupees slipping, to give in to my peremptory demands and double their offer. So that's a million for me and a million for you, Monique. In the meantime, back in the real world, I have to get up early for work tomorrow. (OK, tomorrow's Sunday, but you know what I mean.)
ps - if anyone reading this is a Hollywood producer, I don't really think you wear a toupee... remember, I write fiction 'any resemblance to actual persons is entirely coincidental' to paraphrase the disclaimers at the front of my book - that's my book folks!
Congratulations. So exciting.
I can't wait to receive my copy and read your book.
Debs - I just saw my book cover on the side of your blog - how exciting! Thank you.
Monique - I've been so busy (see post on April 9th) I simply haven't had time to contact the Hollywood producers yet...
Whoo Hoo!
The nearest you get to me is Brighton.
I'll try and come along!
I'm at Borders in Brighton on Thursday 20th August giving a talk at 6.30. Would be fantastic to see you there, Sleepy. Then you could comment here on my talk - friendly critique only please! Be nice to me...
The date is marked on my calendar!
Looking forward to seeing you, Sleepy. Will you be wearing a red carnation? I'll be the one stammering my way through an Author Talk, probably red in the face... (any hints on what you'd like me to talk about?) The number for Borders in Brighton is 01273 731122 if you want to contact them. You could introduce yourself as a friend of mine - or as a fan!!! (sorry - getting a bit carried away there...)
But seriously, I'm genuinely grateful for your support, Sleepy.
Leigh, I'll be just as pleased with a detective series on the TV. I just posted the first segment of the first episode of the winter term in Grindhirst, 'Sex And The School.
Nobody wanted that, even though I came very, very close. It climbed several chairs so to speak, but the top boss of that particular channel didn't think there was room for another school series. So, now it's on a blog.
At least you know your writing's good, Monique, because you had people interested, even if it didn't go all the way to publication. There's definitely a large dose of luck involved in getting published. It's a fantastic experience, but the real buzz is writing.
Hi Leigh,
Congratulations on your achievements! What an exciting time for you and I wish you the best of luck as you continue on your writing/publishing/marketing endeavors. I definitely would like to be invited to the virtual book launch party so please add me to the list!
Thank you for commenting on my blog. I'm new to writing and blogging in general so it's very exciting to have someone stop in. =)
Here is where you can get a countdown clock:
you can pick your own design, colors, and edit in all of the info. The code is then provided for you to include on your site.
A countdown clock would be a perfect addition to your site!
I'll definitely stop in again to read more about your journey, both how you got to this point, and where you go from here.
Take care!
PS. I LOVE crime thrillers and can't wait to read your book!
Welcome to my blog, jc kwok. Nice to hear from you. I'll definitely be over to visit your blog when the maelstrom dies down here. I'm back to work for a rest tomorrow... (some hope, teaching teenagers.)
nice done
Thanks, IT consultant, concise and cryptic.
wow Leigh, as a first time visitor to your blog I was a little overwhelmed with how much is going on1 I feel as if I've come to a fantastic party with great music, lovely wine and the most interesting and intelligent people imaginable as guests and I wander in all sober and in tatty old jeans!! Suffice to say it looks like you're on a roll and hope all the booksigning gives you cramp...and thanks for visiting my blog by the way.
Nothing wrong with tatty old jeans, Helen. You can wear what you like on my blog. I care about as much as I notice clothes in the real world. Not a clothes person, me. But sober - hmm, maybe not sure about that. You might expect me to make sense and, hard as I try to be intelligible in my professional writing (I can say that now, can't I?! my professional writing) here on on my blog I ramble on... Anyway, thank you for dropping in and do come back. I promise not to comment on your clothes.
Congratulation - what wonderful news.
If I still lived in London I'd attend some of those events. Let me know if you ever come north of the border.
Does that mean you're in Scotland, Suzanne? We've had some wonderful holidays in Inverness, Cromerty, Edinburgh - a beautiful country. Cut Short is now available through amazon.co.uk - details incorrect - publication is June - but at least it's there. Or you could order it through your local bookshop. We should support our bookshops, if we want them to survive, shouldn't we? Thanks for the visit, Suzanne.
Danke für ihren Eintrag auf meinem Blog und Ihr Deutsch habe ich sehr gut verstanden:-)
Gruss Britta
Gruss, Britta und danke! I love the global communication the internet opens up.
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