Virtual Book Launch starts June (see post of 7th May for details)
JULY amazon.co.uk
AUGUST amazon.com
JULY amazon.co.uk
AUGUST amazon.com
The books (my book) will be with the distributor on 5th June - just over two weeks from today!
On 20th June - one month from today - I'll be signing copies of my book in WH Smith's in Harrow.
I understand more and more why people compare producing a book to giving birth. There's no going back now! I can't call a halt to all this, even if I wanted to (which of course I don't.)
I'm loving every minute of this experience. Nervous? Me? Why would I be?
(What if nobody buys Cut Short? What if nobody likes it? What if I turn up to sign copies and the books haven't arrived? What if I give a talk and can't think of anything to say? What if people ask questions I can't answer?)
I've received an email from a bookshop manager who's read an advance copy of Cut Short. She called it "a fantastic read". She "was completely absorbed by the story" and the "strong female lead character" and finished with "congratulations on such a wonderful story". It's so reassuring to know that a complete stranger enjoyed reading my book.
LOL I can understand your nerves and sympathise, up to a point, amidst the jealousy and the anticipation that I feel for you. It is very exciting to walk this path with you. I do wish you well. Can't wait to read the book. Wish I could find a literary agent to take on my books. I suppose I need a recommendation cos I wouldn't know where to start. I love whodunnits so I know I'm going to enjoy yours.
Hold yourself together for just a little while longer. I'm sure you'll be just fine. I don't return from the U.S. until 1st July so sadly won't be at Harrow to support you.
Blessings, Star
It'll be fantastic, a great hit, I'm sure of it :D Wish I could pop down for the signing, I'm sure it'll be awesome! I really can't wait to read your book, I can sit and read and say "I know her, she's my blogger buddy". Assuming there is such a thing as a blogger buddy, of course.
Star - thank you. I don't have an agent either!
Please check the schedule of book signings and talks in case you're able to come along to one. It would be lovely to meet you. If not, please join in the virtual launch on the blog. Everyone's welcome!
Have a safe journey and I wish you the very best of luck with your relocation.
Thank you again for your support.
Hi Elizabeth and YES. Of course we're blogbuddies (or should that be bloggerbuddies?) I've been amazed at the feeling of support I've received from people via the blog. The phrase 'The Kindness of Strangers' (Tennessee Williams) comes to mind - which is also the title of Kate Adie's autobiography. Thank you again, blogbuddy!
I've ordered my copy!
thanks for your kind comment.
I've checked out your book on the No exit press site. It looks really good.
Thank you, Charles. That's very kind of you. I'm looking forward to sending you a 'signature' - I really hope you like my book. (pause while Leigh has a major panic attack)
Two reviews have appeared on Librarything.com - one very good: “As an avid reader of psychological thrillers I enjoyed this book, and look forward to future stories about Geraldine Steel. Recommend it!” The other was lukeward but gave it 3 out of 5 stars, so it wasn't a complete disaster. (I suspect it came from a bookshop which hesitated over hosting a book event. While they considered, another local store offered me a signing which I agreed to do...)
So that's 2 brilliant reviews so far (including the one from a bookshop manager who called Cut Short a "fantastic read") and one OK one.
(Did I say I wasn't going to read any reviews?)
Hi spleenal - you're the very first person who ever commented on my blog. Welcome back! and thank you for your kind comments.
This is an exciting time for you, Leigh. All those butterflies will have happy endings: many book sales.
Not to worry. Many, many people will read it and that includes me!
I have it on my Wish List - it's available on Amazon.ca too!
Hi Barbara
I'm trying not to get too excited. The rollercoaster continues. Yesterday I had an email from a bookshop saying they wouldn't be able to order the book in time - some mix up. My publisher has sorted it out, but I had a nervous moment or three. Then I had a lovely and completely unexpected email from the events manager of a bookshop (see my first comment here) which cheered me up HUGELY.
I'm struggling not to veer from "Why am I putting myself through this?" to "This is the most fantastic experience" and trying to stay calm.
I've got you on my list of people to send Cut Short to, and am keeping my fingers crossed that you'll like it. (Pause while Leigh takes a deep breath - calm, calm)
Thanks, Beth. I hope amazon.ca get it to you soon. Don't forget to join in my Virtual Book Launch and raise a glass of wine with me across the miles.
Crime busting snails whatever next.Good stuff.I think this the beginning of a rather good set of books. Looking forwood to being part of the virtual book signing.
Thanks fizzycat. Does your name mean I'll have to get myself a bottle of champagne to celebrate sending you my signature? ! Thank you again for your support.
I'm really looking forward to reading Cut Short and many congrats for getting this far.
I've been reading some of your archives - getting a bit lost as per - and notice you mention an editor and publisher but not an agent. Did you manage without one?
I love your cover indidentally.
My copy is on order and hopefully I'll catch you in Brighton for a signature!
AND, you will be held totally responsible for any 'trouble' I get myself in to while there!
Leigh: with the help of a blogging friend I seemed to have cracked links and you and Cut Short are in my post today. I'm now going to try my side bar.
Hi Leigh. Wow, you seem to be busy! These days my books escape without a murmur. I did decide to have a few friends round for a drink on Monday, Murder in Bloom's official release date, but the only signing I've got is a Waterstone's on June 20th. Doing my local Radio station, Radio Kent next Thursday afternoon, but that's about it. Looking forward to reading yours.
I've ordered my copy, and can't wait to read it.
I can imagine how nervous you must be, but remember to enjoy it too. You'll be fine, I just wish I could come along to Harrow WHS too.
Hi there PI - I have a publisher but not an agent. I seem to be doing everything backwards... Once Cut Short is out there, I will have to have a serious effort to find an agent. No doubt I'll be blogging about the trials and frustrations of that particular part of this strange and wonderful journey I've embarked on. My plan is that once Cut Short is a best seller, I'll be able to choose an agent... and the upshot will be retirement in the Bahamas... The reality of course will be rather different! Watch this space.
How kind of you to add me to your side bar (anything that leads to a bar will do me at the moment...) I'll be over soon to have a look.
Thank you again for your interest and support.
Hi Lesley - I'm doing a signing on June 20th too! I'll be in WH Smith's in Harrow (plug). Spare me a thought as you survey your queue while I stand around like a lemon trying to pluck up courage to accost some poor unsuspecting shopper who's probably gone into Smiths to buy a packet of crisps. Local radio sounds very cool. As for sharing a drink with a few friends - what could be better? It must be great to be established and know that your books will sell effortlessly. As a complete unknown, my publisher expects more from me. I don't mind - in fact, I'm determined to enjoy every minute of it. You only have one first book and even seeing my title at the top of the 'Forthcoming Titles' page on my publisher's website is a thrill for me!!
Thank you for your very kind words, Debs. Nervous/enjoying myself/nervous/enjoying myself - I'm flipping so fast I feel like a flipping MP!
Hi there sleepy - it would be great to see you in the audience when I give my talk in Brighton Borders on 20th August (another plug). Bring all your friends along! please!
Hi Leigh ,it,s cottonreel ,thankyou for visiting my blog. Did they play the song misty n the film ? I love that song I could listen to it for hours .Yes I do like reading crime and occasionally veiwing on t,v. I will look out for your book. Did you read Victoria Hislop (The Island) not a murder but a wonderful story
At these times it is common to wish you were back on the long journey rather than already at the destination. All of the outcomes you listed may or may not come to pass – try to enjoy what you can control and allow what lies beyond your realm to proceed without worry. I know… easier said than done. :)
Hello solomi558 - yes they do play the song Misty in the film. A radio DJ plays a request for a caller who keeps calling up and asking him to play the same song. She becomes obsessed with him... I won't tell you the rest, but you can see where it's going. It's a brilliant film, a precursor of Fatal Attraction and a classic in my opinion.
It's very kind of you to look out for Cut Short. I hope you join in the Virtual Book Launch, if you can't make it to a real event.
What a wonderful start to this next stage the email from the bookshop manager is. You see, all will be well. That you are asking all these questions will mean you are thoroughly prepared so that if anything does go wrong you'll be able to deal with it.
Does that mean you think things will go wrong, Eryl? !! (only joking - what can possibly go wrong???) (DON'T ANSWER)
Seriously, Eryl - thank you once again for your support. Much appreciated.
How exciting!
I think you'll do fine too. You've probably noticed that the students who are more anxious tend to be the ones who do well -- right? That's certainly the case with mine. The ones who assume everything will be a breeze are usually the ones who flip out and screw up.
...and there's me telling myself to relax, everything will be fine... does this mean I'm likely to "flip out and screw up"?
(Remove "out" and we could be talking about UK politicians and their second homes.)
Hi Leigh - congratulations! An exciting point to reach and no mean feat in the current climate. Very glad PI sent me over here - look forward to reading.
Hi there Kate. I've just been over to your blog which I found quite inspiring. I agreed with all you said but when I tried to comment my computer freaked and wouldn't let me. It gave me a strange message and insisted I 'abort'. I hope you read this and thank you for dropping by.
I've just ordered Cut Short from Amazon.
Thanks PI - it's very exciting for me when people say they've ordered a copy of Cut Short. I hope you like it! (gulp)
Please remember to check my blog on 10th June. I'm gong to put my email address here so you can contact me for a virtual (i.e. scanned) signed inscription to print out and stick in your book ;)
Don't worry, Leigh, I'm sure everything will be alright. I've already ordered my copy too, and can't wait to read it.
Thanks, Dabrah. I feel as though I'm on a sleigh hurtling down a hill that's getting steeper and steeper - I can't see the bottom - only it's not a sleigh that I'm clinging to, it's a tiny tin tray... Where is this journey taking me? And will I end up flat on my face?
Still, as a lovely group of writers I met yesterday said, once your book is published, no one can take that away. The image of a tin tray careening down the slope fades and I imagine myself looking at my book on my book shelf (face out of course.)
Everything is going to be just fine. As they say "It will be alright on the day"
Good luck Leigh. Congratulations. As soon as I see the book I will buy it, read it, re-read it and begin thinking of the script.
Sorry that it has to be a bookshop because I don't buy online ever. I like the good old fashioned sniffing and leafing through books.
Take care and Bath is pencilled in.
Thank you Monique and I agree, it is really important to support bookshops - real, live bookshops with real live people and books you can feel in your hands. Good for you!
You can order Cut Short from any local bookshop - tell them it will be available from the main distributor, Turnaround, from 5th June. Otherwise, they may not be able to get it for a month or so. (I'm not quite sure how it all works - the publisher-distributor-bookshop links seem very complex to an outsider.)
Thank you very much for your support - it would be wonderful to see you in Bath. You can have a real live signature in your copy of Cut Short (from a very appreciative author)!
My local bookshop will order the book for me. It's a very small shop and we like to support it, like we support our local village pub and the village shop and post office (yes we escaped the closing down temporarily). I will pass on the details to the shop owner but she might need to know your publisher. Anyway I will let you know.
Hi Monique
Publisher No Exit Press
Distributor Turnaround
ISBN 97818 4243 2716
Let me know if you need anything else - but the bookshop can just google Leigh Russell and they'll find what they need.
Thank you for your interest. I agree we should support our local traders otherwise we'll find we don't have the choice which will make life difficult for everyone, especially those who don't drive, and far less pleasant and friendly.
Hi Leigh, found you from your comment on Sue’s blog. Good luck with the launch, I’m sure it will all go really well and don’t forget to enjoy it if you can. It is, after all, what you’ve worked so hard for.
And, yes the publisher / distributer / bookshop bit is weird, even more so, as often there’s also a wholesaler in between the distributor and the bookshop!
Good luck,
Hi Leigh, I've got something for you if you want it.
Bookshop owner Laura said that a book group in our town likes to have authors for a talk and questions and answers time. The room is for a maximum of 25 people. They also provide a themed buffet. Entrance fee £10 (I don't know how much is in it for you though)
You can get more information from Laura. Her telephone number is 01258 458767
E-mail: huckleberryshop@hotmail.co.uk
Thanks, Joe. I can't return your visit as your blog doesn't accept comments, so will have to make do with thanking you for your support here. The publishing world seems very convoluted to a newcomer, but I daresay it's the same with everything when it's new. In the meantime, I've spent a pleasant morning hiding away from the world in my MS for Book 2. I'd almost forgotten how much I love writing, I've been so caught up in all this promotion lark. (Not to mention the day job which is paying the bills.)
Yes, I guess the act of writing does get submerged with getting the book out there, but once it is out there, there's nothing else you can do with it, except write some more!
PS I'm not surprised you can't post comments on my blog as I don't have one! Only a website, which may be where you went? Otherwise, I'm very confused!
Joe - I thought once the book was finished, that would be it, but I seem to be caught up in a whirl of promotional events over the summer, before I start back at school in September.
Yesterday and today I returned to writing (half term this week!) I've been working on book 2. I'd forgotten how much I love writing - but it's hard work too. After two hours I'm mentally exhausted, and that's just from self editing what I've already written. I think that's why I've been giving myself a break from writing. It's really really tiring.
I hope you keep in touch here, Joe, as I can't get back to you from here. And please join in my virtual book launch, if you decide to buy Cut Short. I hope you do!
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