Schedule of Events - see post of 9th April

The girls in my local bookshop showed me a proof copy of my book! A proof copy is sent by the publisher to bookshops, reviewers, etc. It says 'not for resale' on the back so is not the finished article, but it's A REAL BOOK. I held it in my hand!
The London Bookshop will dispatch Cut Short around 10th June, publication date. Link on No Exit Press website.
congrats Leigh!!!
BTW thanks for the invite, i'm not in the UK but best of luck at the signings :)
Thanks, Emily. You're welcome to the Virtual Book Launch, wherever you are in the world. As long as you can access the internet, you've welcome to join in.
I hope you're going somewhere exotic, Emily!
Cool. Must have been a great feeling. It's close enough to taste
It was a great feeling, Charles, my first sight of my first book. Unrepeatable, isn't it?
That is beyond cool!
Confess... Did you jump up and down a little bit?
Oh, yeah - proof copies (or ARCs) are very real! Bet it felt wonderful holding it. ;)
I agree with Charles, Sleepy and other commenters-what an incredible feeling that must have been!! So happy for you and congratulations again-I can't wait to get your book-all the best from Arizona!!
Wow - congrats. What a thrill. As you see the real thing come out in the bookshops, I hope it will be even better.
Jump up and down a little bit, Sleepy? I was very cool in the shop, then came home and danced round the kitchen, arms flapping, silly grin on my face...
ARC, Beth? I'm off to look that up... (pause as Leigh trots off to the internet - Arthritis Research Campaign... Association for Real Change (as opposed to what? pretend change?)... Got it, Advanced Readers Copies) It was exciting, Beth, and strange. Good strange. Also a little scarey... How did this happen? I only did a little scribbling. I feel like a small child who hops on a bicycle and suddenly finds herself hurtling down a steep slope - where will it all end?
Thank you, Dev in Arizona. One exciting aspect of the whole experience is the feeling that I'm sharing it with people all around the planet, forging virtual connections with strangers across continents, oceans away. I really appreciate this incredible support.
Thanks, Aggie. No doubt I'll be blogging all about it. I'll only have one first book and I plan to enjoy the ride (I'm trying to ignore the little voice in my head that's wondering what on earth I'm going to say at all the author talks I've agreed to give... I'll be posting here soon to ask for ideas. My first appearance is this month!)
I wish I hadn't mentioned that little voice. Now it won't go away... No, I won't listen to it. For a day or two, I just want to enjoy the moment.
Congratulations. A wonderful feeling, and I'm sure you're truly happy about your achievement.
Hold on a minute, are you saying you held in your hands a real copy of your own book in a book shop? You are my goddess!
Hi Martin and welcome to my blog. It was an exciting moment, more so because it was unexpected. I only went in my local bookshop and asked about my book on the spur of the moment. I didn't expect to see it in a little pile of books on a shelf in the back office.
I can live with that, Eryl. Once my book's out there and I find out what people think of it, I daresay I'll come down to earth with a bump. In the meantime, let me be a goddess...
I'm a goddess, dancing round the kitchen... (OK, I'm a goddess who needs to hoover the carpet and clean the kitchen floor... )
What a fabulous moment!
Enjoy this first episode of your first book becoming reality. By the second book I expect it won't be quite as exciting as the first.
congrats ..:)
Thanks for your comments, Leigh, but as you probably know, my sort of crime is considered by the industry to be little short of unsaleable! Accent are an extremely dynamic young company who have done incredibly well in a fairly short time - how's that for a sentence full of adjectives!
Their publicist and my agent manage to do a very good job promoting me locally, and once you get to book 5 launches don't seem appropriate any more...sigh.
Leigh, Congratulations on the book I hope to raise a glass (or two) in your honour.
BTW "penned poem posted"
"come check comments" ;-) TFx
Thanks Liz - not quite as fabulous as your amazing journey, but exciting all the same. Have a wonderful time.
...and by the third book it will just be drudgery, I expect, Barbara. I've told my family I intend to spend this summer signing and talking about Cut Short, but by book 2 (note to my publisher - first draft is finished) I'm sure the glamour will wear off. Full-time authors work incredibly hard, touring round, maintaining websites, sending emails, playing bridge on telly - that's one thing I could never do - but (I hope my publisher isn't reading this!) I just want to have fun!
muthuletchumi - I am delighted to see you on my blog and thank you for visiting all the way from India. You are welcome to join in my Virtual Book Launch, if you're interested. Please keep in touch.
Lesley - five books under your belt and still going strong. I'm contracted to write three and after that I'll just see how I feel. Exhausted, probably! "dynamic" sounds good and I'm happy for you to give your publisher a plug on my blog as they're just starting out. Like the rest of us, publishers these days need all the help they can get. So here goes -
NO EXIT PRESS are without a doubt the most highly regarded independent publishers of crime fiction - and they are lovely people to work with. I should add that their website clearly states: "Unfortunately our publishing schedule is currently full for the foreseeable future and we are not in the position to consider your script for publication at the present time." It is typical of their helpful attitude that this is followed by some contact suggestions for aspiring writers.
And while we're plugging, here are a few more.
PJS CONSULTANCY in Central London for PR. "We help businesses get noticed for the right reasons." They have "the ideas, the contacts and the confidence." Google Phil Southgate for confirmation of his success.
LEIGH AND CO Chartered Accountants in Harrow - "work much more closely with clients than traditional accountants" Check out their website for clients' glowing confirmation of their claim.
and if you like jazz, you can listen to wonderful "hypnotic, evocative vocals" on PHILLIPALEIGH.CO.UK
Tom Foolery - that's the spirit. Cheers. Now I'm off to check out your poem.
How very nice to meet you and... CONGRATS...This must be a great moment for you..:))))))
I am writing books for children..and I am happy to say there is one on the way to be published..A shoe story..
I am going to follow you and your BOOK..
Greets from Holland!
That is so exciting that you got to hold your "real" book for the first time! Congrats :)
I'm so happy for you, Leigh. Everything is finally falling into place. I bet it feels as though it's not really happening.
Hi Dutchess and thank you for visiting. I wonder what a shoe story is? I'll have to come over to your blog and find out.
Consuela, thank you for finding your way here. It's nice to hear from you. My book is officially published on 10th June, so it's not long to go now. Thank you for your encouragement. I hopy you'll be joining the Virtual Book Launch next month.
Yes, Lauren, it was very exciting. I felt very happy.
So pleased your book is real now, waiting for my copy.
Thanks for the comments about mum, she has decided to reject the chemo route ( actually the doctor practically said to her last week it would be too much. She going for a positive attitude and healing route. I will comment more on the blog about it.
Remaining very postive.
Absolutely right, Anne. It feels surreal. The only reason I'm not panicking about everything I have to do is that I can't really believe it's all happening. You're right.
fizzy - stay positive and hang on for the day when you can look back on this horrible experience as something that happened in the past, a long time ago.
Huge congratulations. Well done indeed.
Thank you Fiona, and well done to you for being awarded a prize in a short story competition. That's some feat.
I see you've been compared to Ruth Rendell, Lynda la Plante, Frances Fyfield and Barbara Vine. Are there still people who don't know Ruth Rendell and Barbara Vine are one and the same woman? Ah well, I suppose it's too late now to change the reference and add the names of PD James and Minette Walters but the brief description sounds intriguing.
I've been a fan of British mysteries since Miss Marple and Dorothy Sayers so I'm always on the lookout for excellent new writers. I'm very happy you're on your way to joining those masterful ranks.
So exciting, I can't wait to get my copy and read it.
Yes, Susan, I suspect everyone knows Ruth Rendell also writes as Barbara Vine, but as Barbara Vine, she writes with a slightly different emphasis. Ruth Rendell herself said, "I never kept the fact that I was Barbara Vine a secret. It was just a way of doing a different kind of book." I guess my publisher wanted to suggest that my books bear a resemblance to both kinds of Ruth Rendell books. I'm not sure I'm "joining their ranks", but I'm certainly flattered by the comparison.
Thanks, Debs. Please let me know what you think of it. I'll be publishing my email here in June for the Virtual Book Launch and may request that all reviews are emailed to me rather than posted on my blog - depends how nervous I'm feeling!!!
Congratulations, Leigh. How exiting.
Thank you for commenting, Suzanne, and for your good wishes. If you check my post from 22nd April you'll see what I meant about my Virtual Book Launch and my signature.
Wow! It's becoming so real! And thanks so much for dropping by my blog! I love reading your posts but I've been so silent recently. Congrats on the book!
Hi Elizabeth WINNER! That's very cool and well done. I wondered what had happened to you. It's lovely to be in contact again. Yes, holding the actual book did suddenly make it all seem very real.
It all sounds very exciting. Good luck.
That must have been a very nice feeling.
Congratulations! You won't need to pinch yourself, because now it's real.
What an amazing feeling that must be.
Gonna be a writer - thank you for your good wishes.
Merci, Guillaume!
Still pinching myself, dabrah!
Helen, you're right, of course.
I'll be buying a copy, do you have a reserve list? I plan to go to the Havant Lit Fest so might see you there.
DJ Kirkby - I have a tentative invitation to appear at Havant Festival, depending on dates. I hope to make it and would love to meet you there.
I'm not quite sure what you mean by a 'reserve list'. If you go to my publisher's website you'll find a link to the London Bookshop which is dispatching Cut Short around 10th June, i.e. as soon as it's published. This is is earlier than amazon who are currently giving a dispatch date in July. Thanks for commenting and please keep in touch.
Congratulations that must have been so exciting and surreal all at the same time.
Very surreal. We went out for the day on Monday and I popped into a branch of WH Smiths where I'll be signing books one Saturday. It was quite exciting asking where they place authors, and seeing where that will be happening.
In the meantime, I have a few more bookings for Author Talks - I must start thinking about what on earth I'm going to 'Talk' about... ! I think I'm going to need some help... (anyone out there have any ideas?)
Wow, just been looking through your last few posts. You've got a very busy, but very exciting, few months coming up!
Congratulations Leigh:-)
Thanks, Lane. I hope I can keep up with myself... I think I might be quite relieved to settle back down to writing once my summer of rushing around is over.
so cool.. your own book!!!congrats!!!
I am writing a fantasybook for children.
And hope I can hold a real book in my hands someday...I would jump too with a silly grin on my face...
Greetings, Anna
Hi Anna, and thank you for visiting my blog. I really appreciate receiving comments from all round the world. I returned your visit and wish I could understand what you're saying about Michael Morpurgo on your blog. It looks interesting anyway. Please keep in touch.
I hope you join in my Virtual Book Launch next month. I'd like to think my tiny insignificant book launch could be a truly international event. We shouldn't rely on our politicians to reach out on our behalf. We should all do what we can to communicate with people from other nations and cultures.
Congratulations, Leigh! Holding the (nearly) final product in your hands must've been an incredible moment. I squealed just looking at my cover flats, so I can only imagine the delight you felt!
Hi Marilyn, thank you for visiting and commenting here. I've not heard of 'cover flats' but am guessing that's what we call 'proofs'. I saw my proof copy electronically and that was certainly very exciting because it was the first time I saw my MS set out like real book, in pages. Yes, that was an exciting moment and it made me realise how much hard work goes into transforming writing into a book.
I do have a translate button!!!
it's not a perfect translating but it helps to understand
Gr. Anna
Hi Me - the translate button is very cool but the gremlins in my computer won't let it work - my screen is filled with messages telling me it's translated... I'll get the hang of it eventually. I'll have to ask someone who knows about these things (any 6 year old will be able to negotiate their way around it, I'm sure.)
Huge congrats, Leigh. Thanks so much for visiting me. I wish you much success with your release :)
Thanks for dropping by from the vortex, LA Mitchell. Hope to see you here again.
You may not have time to do anything with it right now, but there is an award waiting for you to pick up at my blog.
Thank you very much, Eryl. I've been over to your blog and seen my award. How exciting!
I LOVE crime fiction books :) ..... ok, how do I get meself a copy?
Fanks for visiting Twaddle...
Thanks for dancing onto my blog, Marmite Toasty and for your enquiry.
CUT SHORT is available from 10th June (publication date) from the London Bookshop (link on my publisher's website) or from any other online supplier from different dates, and of course you can order it from any bookshop.
Please join in my Virtual Book Launch next month - details on my post dated 22nd April.
Hahaha. You sounds so excited! Congrat's again. Keep a tight hold on that book, at least until the next one's out.
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