I had a lovely surprise at a book signing at Waterstones in Gower Street last Saturday. As usual, the bookstore staff couldn't have been more helpful. Sales went well and, to add icing to the cake, a fan took the trouble to come along and ask if I'd sign her copy of Cut Short. I was very flattered! Here's the photo she sent me.

I seem to be in demand at the moment, with two invitations to talk in libraries tomorrow. I'm visiting a book group at Oak Farm Library in Ruislip in the afternoon, and a writers' circle at the new Shepherds Bush Library in the evening.
And yes, I'm still working on the edits for Road Closed...
Hello, happy to see all's going well with your book, I must look out for it. Are you coming to Cheltenham's Waterstones? Sorry i've been quiet on the blog front...work life got in the way. :>) Take care
I've had a busy October myself with lots of engagements. It's good to be wanted.
Lovely photos.
My local libary is now giving children stickers everytime they take a book out.Anything to keep them reading.
Hi Wisdom of Wislon - yes, it's been busy. No plans yet to come to Cheltenham, but will try to make it along next year if I can. It sounds like a really nice place to visit. Good to be busy - I hope work life is treating you well.
Thank you, Charles. I can't say it happens often in my life, so thought I'd mention it when it came along - like buses, you wait for ages and then two come along at once. Glad to hear you've been busy. I'm not surprised, judging by your blog.
Hi Debs - yes, it was very nice to see it.
Hi fizzycat - just for a second, I wondered what 'children stickers' were - that's how tired I am from doing edits! My talks should make a lot of sense tomorrow . . . I hope I don't send myself to sleep. That would be a tad embarrassing!
Good on you!
Yes, Paul. It's quite difficult to stay positive sometimes. I've been working hard on book 2 edits and watching Cut Short slipping down the amazon sales ratings today... then I had a phone call from someone else wanting me to give a talk, this one at a school which should be fun. The rollercoaster rolls on...
Well you deserve it. Enjoy your success. You've worked for it, now you can enjoy the fruits. Take care.
By the way, you are starting to look the part! very relaxed...
Blessings, Star
That's nice, Star. Thank you. I don't always feel very relaxed . . .
Yes agree about the libary. Think my ideal would be the quiet ones from my own childhood , full of studious reading. Silence that was palpable as soon as one walked in.
Regarding the You tube video - we want the whole book on there please!
Looking forwood to the audio book!
This experience will make it easier when book two has been published.
I was in a local library recently and they no longer have a policy of silence. They had a small coffee bar - in the library - and umpteen computer terminals. Oh, and there were some books . . .
I hope so, Barbara! I really hope so!
It's so nice to see you enjoying the kind of happenings that my new writer friends and I are all striving for.
On another note, I'm interested on what kind of research you do for your novels. One of my US writer friends interviewed a police officer on her blog, and I was thinking of doing something similar for the UK. Have you done, or plan to do, anything like this, and would you consider posting it on your blog?
Good to hear all is well with the selling of your book.
It must be so nice to be given the oppurtunity to talk to people like this though I'm not too sure I'd be able to, I think your very brave.
Hi Barry - yes, the thing is to enjoy it. I met a really lovely group of readers at Oak Farm library today. Generally, people who read and love books seem to be nice people! And they all bought Cut Short!
I have a few contacts on the police now, as several police officers read (and fortunately liked) Cut Short. You can research a lot on the internet, but there's no substitute for a real person, in-the-know, to email with queries. I have to say I've found people - police, hotel staff, firemen, market traders - you name it - all amazingly helpful.
I look forward to reading your interview with a police officer. Let us know here when it's on your blog. I don't want to miss it!
Hi Barry - yes, the thing is to enjoy it. I met a really lovely group of readers at Oak Farm library today. Generally, people who read and love books seem to be nice people! And they all bought Cut Short!
I have a few contacts on the police now, as several police officers read (and fortunately liked) Cut Short. You can research a lot on the internet, but there's no substitute for a real person, in-the-know, to email with queries. I have to say I've found people - police, hotel staff, firemen, market traders - you name it - all amazingly helpful.
I look forward to reading your interview with a police officer. Let us know here when it's on your blog. I don't want to miss it!
I don't know about brave, Petty Witter - what's that expression about fools rushing in . . .
I don't know about brave, Petty Witter - what's that expression about fools rushing in . . .
Glad you're still socking it to 'em.
I have just been reading 'The Triangle by blogger Rashbre and noted very short chapters which I also had noted I seem to remember in 'Cut Short'. Is this usual for the genre? I must say it makes for easier reading and I'm considering it for my next draft
Thanks for your kind comments and finding the time to drop by...you must be very busy.
I'm so pleased everything's going so well for you. Bask in your glory. :)
Hey lady, nice to see things are still going so well for you. I have pretty much stopped blogging for the time being as I can't seem to blog and write, I get too caught up in the multiple conversations. Still sneaking around though and thought I'd just stick my head round your door and say hello.
Good for you, Leigh! We're all in your corner!
I "met" you at Blogland Lane and am a fan; I'm just about half way through your wonderful book. I wanted to thank you for going to all the trouble to serialize your journey to being published, it is a tremedous help and very reassuring. "Road Closed"is sure to be as exciting as "Cut Short" and tagging along again will be an adventure.
Very nice pic Leigh. Congratulations.
You more than likely already know but just in case - The Crime Writers Association Dagger awards were televised on ITV3 last night. My blog has a post about them which Middle Ditch and myself thought you might find interesting.
i really enjoyed meeting you too and glad i could talk with you a bit. I havent updated my blog recently, but i hope to do so soon. Hope the rest of the tour went ok! :)
So many lovely comments here - thank you! I've been away so haven't acknowledged any of them.
Pat - I'm not sure that short chapters are usual, or even why I divided my narrative up in that way. It just seemed to suit what I was trying to do. Readers seem to approve, so I've followed a similar pattern in Road Closed.
Wisdom - yes, I'm certainly busy! but I try to respond to comments on my blog. It's really nice to receive visitors.
Akasha - not sure I'm basking in glory - I like the sound of it though!
Eryl - Good to hear from you, Eryl, and thank you for stopping by. I hope you're writing is going well. Keep us posted.
Rick - yay! Thank you for the support.
Linda - hi neighbour. I haven't been along the Lane recently. I must return soon. I'm so glad to hear you're enjoying Cut Short and thank you very much for letting me know.
Monique - it is a lovely photo, isn't it?
Petty Witter - Thank you. It would be a dream come true to win a CWA award, wouldn't it?
Rose - lovely to meet you too, Rose. As for the tour, it's still ongoing . . . I have another fourteen bookings before Christmas, and already have four new bookings for 2010, apart from the return visits I hope to make. It's neverending!
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