Sunday 21 March 2010

Why You Have to Love Twitter

NEWSFLASH This post is quoted in the online trade journal book2book
& is number 1 in Most Popular Stories in book2book 24th March

Many in the publishing industry fear that electronic media are threatening to replace printed books. A recent post on The Literary Project illustrates how, by working together, new media can offer valuable support to traditional books and even help promote their sales.

According to Gemma Noon of The Literary Project, 'You have to love twitter. Less than an hour after I sent out a random tweet along the lines of 'anyone know a debut crime novelist who might like to be interviewed?' than a couple of people tweet back Leigh Russell's name at me.'

You can read the interview that came about as a result of those tweets on on March 19th.

Check home page on Crime Time & see the tear on CUT SHORT move!

More exciting news - Recently helenmhunt of Bookersatz kindly sent me some interview questions and that interview can be seen on Helen's own blog Fiction is Stranger than Fact

And as if that's not enough excitement for one week, here is a photo a reader sent me from Kinokuniya, a bookshop in Bangkok, where she bought a copy of CUT SHORT. I hope you enjoy reading it, JJ, and thank you for the pictures!


HelenMWalters said...

You're preaching to the converted! I absolutely love twitter, as you know!

Leigh Russell said...

Yes, Helen. Tweet soon, blogbuddy. And congratulations again on having 3 stories published in Take a Break and Women's Weekly - look out for Helen Hunt everyone!

CJ said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. I like to pick up an actual book when I read. I will have to check out yours! I've written a few children's books. I've looked into trying to get them published, but it's too expensive. Plus I don't even know if they are worth publishing.

Leigh Russell said...

CJ - I'm sure your books are worth publishing, but don't pay to be published. Far better to find a publisher who will not only pay you in advance, but will provide editor, proofreader, designer, production and distribution and sales teams. Producing a book is a team effort.

CJ said...

WOW! I had an actual published author look at my little blog ;} I went on Amazon and looked up CUT SHORT. I'm going to have to read it.

Pat said...

Twitter, Facebook et al are a step too far for me but I can appreciate they could be useful.

Leigh Russell said...

I love your blog, CJ!

Leigh Russell said...

Hi Pat, I am on facebook but never go on there - not even sure what my password is any more. I do tweet but my favourite online communication is still blogging because you can actually have a decent conversation. Twitter is very brief and transient comments.

Val Ewing said...

Sweet Tweet!

Good advice on publishing books.
One day I'm actually going to sit down and write a whole book and not shorts.


Leigh Russell said...

As long as you enjoy writing it, Val. Love writing!

Jane Moxey said...

Thanks for visiting my blog, and congratulations on your novel! The Agatha Christie play will be an interesting adventure. I've just read her autobiography and another book about what happened after her busband left her for another woman, when she disappeared. She got the British press's knickers in a right twist, but she never says a word about all that in her autobiography! Oh that "one" this and "one" that -- so period and of a certain class of person, I suppose. Self depricating maybe, but irritating, definitely!

Leigh Russell said...

The 'one' kind of speech always reminds me of Prince Charles. Good luck with the play, Jane.

Joanne said...

Although I don't tweet, I have heard of so many great opportunities for promotion using Twitter. The Internet is such a valuable and viable marketing tool for publishing, it certainly benefits us as writers to take advantage of it!

Val Ewing said...

I saw the photo you were talking about...totally awesome!

Jenny Beattie said...

You're welcome Leigh. It's always exciting spotting bloggers' books in Thailand!

Twitter? Nope, just don't get it.

Leigh Russell said...

Hi Joanne - all these internet media have such potential, I just wish I wasn't so technologically ignorant! I sometimes feel as though I don't understand anything! (and the rest of the time, I know I don't!)

Leigh Russell said...

Hi Val - I know, I know! I'm keeping a little folder of photos people have sent me from around the world (still waiting to see a mule 'reading' Cut Short...)

Leigh Russell said...

JJ - Bangkok! Thailand! It all sounds so exotic! And here's me in rainy old UK. Thanks again for the frisson of excitement!