Tuesday 10 August 2010

Books and Boobs

News: ROAD CLOSED is now available on amazon.com (link below)
ROAD CLOSED has been reviewed in Star magazine: "DI Geraldine Steel has a tough case on her hands after a series of nasty incidents. On top of the deadly events, Geraldine has a complicated love life to sort out. Leigh Russell's crime thriller is a gritty page-turner from the start and features a host of unappealing characters!" It's the issue with Katie Price on the front cover. Does that narrow it down? No? How about if I tell you she's quoted as telling Pete to "Stop trying to ruin my life!" Still not clear which issue I'm talking about? Oh, never mind. My point is that ROAD CLOSED is reviewed in the magazine. Does this mean I'm a celebrity?
ROAD CLOSED on amazon.com
ROAD CLOSED on amazon.co.uk


Unknown said...

Yes. YOu are officially a celebrity! I 'm reading your Cut Short because you new book isn't out yet across the ocean. I was wondering if I could ask you a couple of questions regarding the book for my review.


Leigh Russell said...

Hi Clarissa - happy to answer any questions, (if I can!)
amazon.com now lists ROAD CLOSED as out in July but temporarily out of stock so not sure if it's there or not... Hope you enjoy CUT SHORT!

Chris Stovell said...

Wow! Good publicity - you are indeed a sleb! (Expect to see you Tangoed in your next PR photo!).

Leigh Russell said...

Sleb? Not sure about that, Chris - more like a slob, I'm afraid!

Charles Gramlich said...

wow, that's really cool. I think you are a celebrity.

Leigh Russell said...

The next Katie Price, Charles?... a couple of problems with that...

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Of course you're a celebrity! Congratulations for the brilliant review.

It's in stock on the Play.com site (thought I'd better be a good employee and say that!)

Leigh Russell said...

Thanks for letting me know, Debs. Maybe you could tweet about it?

Val Ewing said...

That is so cool! Love the title, Books and Boobs!

Leigh Russell said...

Thanks, Val. The whole thing made me laugh - one day The Times, then Star magazine... !

Suzanne Ross Jones said...

Oh, fantastic. And you are absolutely a celebrity.


Middle Ditch said...

Close to being one I say!!! Great to read everywhere you are doing so well!!

Leigh Russell said...

Thanks Suzanne. I'm not really, but it's fun to feel like a 'star' for a day.

Leigh Russell said...

Thanks MD. Might even start seeing some royalties soon... but not holding my breath on that one!

Pat said...

When will Amazon have the third - latest book? I prefer to use them because it's so easy.

Leigh Russell said...

Third book, DEAD END, won't be out until 2011. They seem to bring them out once a year - although I'm already well on the way with my fourth (for 2012, presumably). I just can't stop writing! You could contact my publisher and ask them to bring the books out more often. I can write two a year, no problem!

Leigh Russell said...

And thank you for the support, Pat!

michael braga said...

Hi Leigh

Thanks for an amazing event last night at the London Writers Café. Your talk resonated with me as I share a similar approach to writing and was inspired by your drive and commitment as well as your positivity which is crucial to being a writer. I summed up a brief précis and mentioned your blog at http://www.michaelbragawrites.blogspot.com
Once again, well done for all the hard work and for talking to us aspiring writers.


Michael Braga

Akasha Savage. said...

No you're not a celebrity...they're just five minute wonders, silly people who have hit the spotlight doing stupid things. You are a writer who deserves all the publicity you get through your talent. :D

Leigh Russell said...

Hi Michael - I tweeted about your blog and will post the link up here when I post again - I've been a bit busy lately and haven't posted for a while. Good to meet you and keep in touch.

Leigh Russell said...

Yes, not sure I quite have the looks to be a celebrity - I do plenty of stupid things though, so maybe I half qualify...!

Anonymous said...

I love readding, and thanks for your artical.............................................................

DJ Kirkby said...

That's amazing and almost worth buying the Star mag for :)

Jen said...

Yup, definitely a celebrity. (I still don't know which issue of the magazine it is, though. ;) )

Stella Jones said...

Any publicity is good publicity so they say. I think you're doing just fine. I'm very interested in the ITV Crime Writer awards. I watch a lot of ITV3 myself and enjoyed it last year when they showcased some of the best (most popular and well known) author(esses).
Why didn't I see you new book at Waterstones last Saturday? I looked for it but didn't see it this time?
Blessings, Star

Leigh Russell said...

Thanks, DJ Kirkby. I like the 'almost'... I bought 2 copies!

Leigh Russell said...

Hi Jen - it was the issue dated... hang on... 16th August. (Yes, I kept it in my box of cuttings!)

Leigh Russell said...

Hi Star - they'd probably sold out. Which Waterstones were you in? I hope you ordered it straight away!!