Monday 7 February 2011

This week's interviews

Interview on Harrogate Festival website
Interview on The Rap Sheet


Chris Stovell said...

Great interview - and what a terrific comment from Jeffrey Deaver!

Leigh Russell said...

Glad you liked the interview and yes, Jeffery Deaver has been a fabulous fan to have! I couldn't believe it when he called me "a brilliant talent" ! He's so generous with his praise. I can't wait to read Carte Blanche, his new James Bond novel.

Pat said...

Having read the interview I feel so proud of you:)

Leigh Russell said...

Ah, thanks, Pat. How lovely of you to say so!

Jill Kemerer said...

I loved reading the interview! Obviously, teachers make great authors. :) I have a friend who just got her first book contract, and guess what? She's a teacher! Congrats on all your success!

Leigh Russell said...

Hi Jill - yes, I suppose it's all about communication, and English teachers are passionate about words and stories. I wish your friend success with her books!

Guillaume said...

Gotta find the time to read that one!

Leigh Russell said...

Had we but world enough and time, Guillaume. And not only is there less time, but it's going faster these days as well!

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