Tuesday 28 June 2011

Everyone has their limits

I'll do almost anything to research my books (see photo) - but I draw the line at touching maggots... (don't ask!)


HelenMWalters said...

Ugh to the maggots! You look all set to appear in an episode of Scott and Bailey.

Guillaume said...

I am not sure I could go to a morgue.

Leigh Russell said...

LOL Helen.

Leigh Russell said...

OK, I'll confess, Guillaume - there were no dead humans involved at all. The maggots were real enough though...

Charles Gramlich said...

I've touched 'em before. I didn't like it.

Leigh Russell said...

I still don't know what a maggot feels like but I know how they make me feel! I didn't touch them, not even with gloves on. I chatted to the insect entymologist instead - and learned a lot of fascinating information. That's good enough for me.

BernardL said...

Nice outfit. I've seen them at work up close, but never felt the need to get in touch with any, research or not. :)

Stella Jones said...

Hmmm no, not the morgue thank you! Maggots? definitely not those either.
Where were you then?

Leigh Russell said...

No, it's not my thing really, Bernard. But all in the name of research... I expect I'll use some of the information somewhere in a future book.

Leigh Russell said...

Aha, Star. That would be telling!

Guillaume said...

That said, to see the corpse of say Niccolo Rizzuto, I wouldn't say no to a trip in the Morgue.

Leigh Russell said...

Yes, it can sound tempting at times, Guillaume.