Sunday 2 December 2012

Interview on The Yellow Room

Thank you to The Yellow Room for interviewing me. "The future for crime writing is looking quite robust"


Guillaume said...

Going to read. Does the name of the blog comes from Gaston Leroux's novel, or from that short/ghost story "The Yellow Wallpaper"?

Leigh Russell said...

There's a magazine The Yellow Room. I thought it came from the short story, But I don't know.

BernardL said...

Very good interview! Your point about JK Rowling never having ridden a broomstick is spot on. In fiction, I can't even imagine how bland it would be if every author had to 'write only what they know'. Science fiction would not exist. Fantasy and paranormal worlds would be wiped away, and don't get me started on Hobbits. :)

Leigh Russell said...

Exactly, Bernard!Couldn't agree more.