Thursday 14 March 2013

New Series

Here is the provisional cover design for COLD SACRIFICE, available to download in June, in print September. The wording has not been finalised - is 'murder investigation' too long? 'murder mystery' too cosy?
In the meantime, STOP DEAD (5th in Geraldine Steel series) is in print in May.


Guillaume said...

I guess you could ditch "murder". I think "mystery" is enough, I doubt anyone will doubt there is a corpse.

Charles Gramlich said...

Cool. nice to have more than one series!

Val Ewing said...

Oh how exciting!

Leigh Russell said...

I'd like to think I was so famous that everyone would recognise the genre of the first Ian Peterson book, Guillaume! Thanks for commenting.

Leigh Russell said...

Very nice, Charles. It keeps me busy!

Leigh Russell said...

Thanks, Val.

BernardL said...

Great cover! I think the lettering is perfect.

Leigh Russell said...

Yes, I like the lettering of my name and the book title. And I love it that my name is larger than on my previous books. Yay!