I've never discussed bloomers online before, but I suppose there's a first time for everything. An article in praise of 'late bloomers' set me thinking, being a 'late bloomer' myself. Here's the link http://flavorwire.com/497311/in-praise-of-late-bloomers
Our age is obsessed with the concept of age. Just about everyone in the public eye seems determined to resist or conceal the ageing process. Why? What are a few wrinkles weighed against life experience, maturity and the understanding that hopefully accompanies 'old age'.
Shakespeare wrote of 'that which should accompany old age' which he described as 'honour, love, obedience, troops of friends'. Instead, our society regards the elderly with disgust and derision. Our young people show an unprecedented lack of deference or respect to their elders, and we are all expected to emulate youth. It is part of a wider issue. We no longer want to use obsolete technology. Youngsters insist on having the latest model of everything. Kids using last year's phone are ridiculed. Who ever tries to get a broken toaster fixed any more? Chuck it out and replace it. As Neil LaBute wrote, 'We live in a disposable society. It's easier to throw things out than to fix them. We even give it a name - we call it recycling.' And of course he goes on to say that we apply the same principle to our relationships. As soon as they stop 'working' for us, we quit. Separation, estrangement, divorce... what has happened to loyalty and commitment, seeing things through 'for better or worse'?
Because there always will be 'worse', along with the 'better'. Yes, it's better to be young and fit and healthy than old and physically weak. It's better for us as individuals, but why do we judge others for ageing? Because we do. Why does it matter? Why do we all have to meet some image of youthful perfection? Our teeth must be perfectly straight. Our hair can't go grey. We must strive to be popular and rich. What's wrong with crooked teeth? What's wrong with being shy? Why is it despicable to be ugly? Who makes up these rules and decides whose face is ugly anyway?
I couldn't have written my books when I was younger. I hadn't lived enough or read enough. We all come to writing at different times in our lives. It doesn't matter. Unlike almost everything else in life, creative endeavour in any artistic field is a great leveller. When we read a book, we often don't know anything about the writer. We might gain an impression from the prose, but we could be wrong. It doesn't matter. When we write a book for others to read, or read a book someone else has written, we are human beings engaged in significant communication. That is all. And that is everything.
I would have been proud to be a 'wunderkind', publishing great books before the age of 25, but I'm equally proud to be a 'late bloomer.' Age is immaterial. How we live, and what we do with our time is what counts.
Exactly! I couldn't agree more. Great post!
At the age of 42 I recognized that my professional life to come will have to be changed as I could not see any sense in what I did at that time. I started a new career, got a bachelor's degree and love my vocation being a teacher in a vocational school now. My experience is needed in this field and my students appreciate the very fact that I know what I'm speaking about from first hand experience.
I don't think I would have been as good and efficient as I'm nowadays had I started as a teacher in the first place :-)
Gabriele Pacher
Wow, Leigh, this is a fantastic, thought-provoking, and life-affirming blog post. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. You expressed yourself so well and even brought tears to my eyes. I do try not to be judgmental of anyone, for any reason, but sadly that tolerance doesn't always go both ways in today's society.
I was thinking the other day that while we've grown to recognize how wrong it is to discriminate on the basis of religion and origin, society has become more intolerent on the basis of looks. People are denied jobs because of their age and weight. Comedians freely make jokes on the topic. No wonder depression is increasing in the elderly.
Glad you agree, gpangel, and thanks for commenting.
The best teachers are those with a passion for their vocation, Gabriele. I'm sure you're an inspiration to your students.
It's true, Henriette. We're all different, and we should celebrate our differences, not let them divide us.
Discrimination of any kind is wrong, whether it's on the basis of colour, creed, age, gender, whatever, Not a waving but Drowning.
Great post, if a rose can bloom at any age, surely so can we.
I agree, fizzycat!
At 52 I finally feel as though I have the time experience and patience to write my first book. I am enjoying being a late bloomer
At 52 you have plenty of time to write! Good luck with it.
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