I have NO IDEA how this happened but I've inserted a link on my blog:
An article published in Crime Time Magazine, pages 25-26, pages 14-15 on the screen
Thank you to Debs and Aggie who gave me instructions on how to insert the link which I succeeded in doing after only about four attempts.
Is that laughter I can hear from all you IT literates out there? Don't care. I've inserted a link on my blog - (still not sure how it happened.)
I'm not laughing. Only a week ago or so I needed help too and got it via a request. Even seemingly simple things can be difficult.
Good for you ... well done!
I think the process is actually much simpler than using link-chain thingies and right clicking and all that. I merely copy and paste the url into my blog text, as I did with the christopherfountain.com link in my latest post.
Or are things just less complicated on this side of the Pond?
(Hah! Not bl**dy likely!)
Well done on inserting your link and on your article which I read with interest, I am very much looking forward to reading the novel.
Dead bodies everywhere! Great title.
Easy when you know how - when you don't, the simplest things can be impossible. That's why we all need each other.
THANK YOU for your help, Aggie. I'm still not sure how I managed it, so may well have to issue the same call for help if I ever want to insert a link on my blog again.
I was with you until you started on about your url, Bill...
Thanks, Mel. So am I! Still not holding my breath...
I have to admit, Charles, I didn't give the article its title myself, although it is quoted from the article and so my words. Am I entitled to take the credit for it?
Hi Barbara - I hope it was clear my comment about simple things being impossible was a response to your comment.
What, Leigh? You don't know Uncle Url yet? Go to: http://www.linkydinky.com/
Now, I know that's not a "hot" link, because to do that in the comment section involves scratching your back while you go widdershins around the room under the light of the full moon, or some equally arcane methodolody. But in the main body of a post, it's a piece of cake. Just cut the cake, and then paste it - as in all over your spouse's face when you get married. Results guaranteed!
My now-taken-over publisher had the good grace to honor their commitment to send me some cute little business cards with the cover of the book on one side and ordering instructions on the back (Amazon, B&N, Borders, etc.), as well as some rather handsome bookmarks with both the front cover and Winfield House, not to mention my mug shot on the back; and finally five honking great posters with a blow-up of the front cover that looks absolutely smashing! So now I'm all set to do a book-signing, except that the only bookstore left on Greenwich Avenue is closing its doors next week. Ah, me.
linkydinky Bill? far too technical for me. I can do arcane, no problem. As for the piece of cake now that's language I understand. Fruit cake, is it?
I'm very jealous of your cute business cards, and as for bookmarks with your mugshot on them - that's very cool. How will you ever be able to concentrate on your reading? AND posters! phew!
How sad about the bookshop closing down. Same everywhere, isn't it? You'll have to trawl further afield for your signings. I must admit, I'm looking forward to my authorial appearances with some trepidation, if my blinking book ever sees the light of day! No doubt they'll be the subject of future posts as I put out a desperate cry for help. What do I say? what if the audience all hate my book?... (deep breath here as I remind myself why I'm doing all this - why am I doing it?)
Well done you! I can't do it either and leave it to my beloved. Actually I know very little. I don't know how to put a new episode on my blog, I leave that to beloved too. I don't know how to edit or add sound effects and beloved does that too. I don't know much, do I? All that I do know is how to write an episode. That should be enough, don't you think so?
More than enough, Middle Ditch. Beloveds aren't only with us to deal with spiders. A myriad of possibilities...
I find I learn how to do such things only when they become imperative and when my son shows me very slowly several times. So I'm terribly impressed that you managed it without someone in the room guiding you.
The difference is, Eryl, that I have absolutely no idea how I managed to insert the link on my blog!
We do rely on younger generations to teach us how to function in today's world. Has there been another time in history when things changed so fast that children and grandchildren taught older generations basic skills? Is knowledge without experience or maturity a good thing, when "knowledge is power"?
Great article!
I'm not laughing. I'm a Techno 'Tard too!
Cheers, Sleepy. I have to admit, I was rather pleased with the article. (No false modesty here!)
See, in addition to being wonderfully creative, we now learn that you have a repressed "geek" side to you as well!
Hey Rick, I've never been called a geek before! A new me (???!) - I don't think so.
Thank you for visiting my blog, Naval Langa. I'm off now to check out your blog via your link - having inserted a link on my own blog, (after several attempts)!
It's so interesting receiving visitors from all round the globe.
Your reply to my comment, Leigh, reads like the blurb to a dystopian novel, and now I want to know what happens!
Hi Eryl - I sometimes feel my whole life is like a dystopian novel... What would we do if we couldn't escape into fiction and give the people who bug us their deserts, just or even unjust - who cares? it's fiction! Or escape here from the rigours of writing fiction to the freedom of rambling inconsequentially or even incoherently - who cares? it's blogging! Even I'm not sure what I'm talking about any more so I think I'd better disappear quietly
Well done Leigh! I'm still trying to work out how to add decent photos!! :D
You'll just have to be indecent, Akasha... Sadly I don't have any decent photos of myself - and they say the camera doesn't lie. It does. I'm really not as ugly as I look in photos...
I know what you mean...I always look so awful in photos!!
And they say the camera never lies!
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