1) Look up Crimetime.co.uk - (you can google Crime Time)
2) Click on Crime Time Magazine (somewhere top right)
3) Check out page 25-26 - article by Leigh Russell
Back to the blog - Please join in the discussion that's started on my previous post: how do you set about writing a book?
Cool - good for you.
Superb, progress at last.
It is kind of cool, Aggie.
It's not exactly a book (I wish) - but I'm still chuffed!
It is progress of a sort, isn't it, fizzycat?
Other progress is that the publisher's moved Cut Short along the list to the summer, so it's still in there, although I'm no longer holding my breath!
I'll keep you posted.
Very well written, Leigh.
Thank you, Barbara! Praise from a successful writer is praise indeed. Let's hope you say the same of Cut Short when you (finally) have a chance to review it - (not holding my breath here).
That's very cool! Congrats. Anytime your name is in print. (unless it's the obituaries). It's good news.
Thanks, Charles. I thought I was above caring about such a trivial ego boost as seeing my name in print, but actually, it's a thrill. I've bought a copy of the magazine, which is beautifully presented as an A5 paperback rather than a conventional magazine, so I have that to keep and my article (and name) will be in the online magazine too.
Back to the importance of names. They seem to be important in real life, as well in fiction.
It's been a good start to 2009.
Yay! Leigh breaks into print! Yay!
The text is a bit on the small side, so I kind of skimmed rather than risking eyestrain, but it looks like a good article. Oh, wait, I can print it out, can't I? Duh.
Oh, I should have added in my comment on your last post that one of the major characters (but not the narrator)in book 4 is a graduate of Clifton College. I hope that's OK?
Me again, back to report that the online magazine prints like a dream! You can specify the page range, e.g., pp. 25-26, and they come out full-size in glorious readable type. Ain't technology wonderful?
What a great article! I can definitely relate with the idea of words constantly flowing out of my head non-stop. Congrats!
Yes, Bill. It's very cool (when it works!) I'm flattered that my article has been printed out in the USA. I thought only my mum would read it...
Thanks, Virginia Lady. Words, words, words...
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