I've posted before on my own blog about this sneaking feeling I have that this can't really be happening to me... What am I doing here, a suddenly-successful author with two reprints of my first book, a second out in proof copies, a third almost written and a fourth in the pipeline... and more after that... Bookstores contact my publisher offering to host signings, I've received emails from literary festivals asking if I'd like to speak... When did all this happen to me of all people? It's not as if it was even my lifelong ambition to become an author. I simply had an idea, wrote obsessively for six weeks, and... here I am, as startled as Alice when she fell down the rabbit hole. Will I wake up one day and discover this was all a strange (and very wonderful) dream?
Weird and wonderful things are happening to me almost daily at the moment. I'm appearing at Crimefest 2010 as a member of the CURZON PANEL and now I've been invited to join a debut author panel as well. It's called... wait for it... All the Young Punks. I wasn't even so very young when punks first hit the scene. What have I let myself in for now? For someone who writes crime fiction I'm inappropriately squeamish in real life. I haven't even had my ears pierced. I hope safety pins won't be compulsory...
Just today I heard from a blogger new to me. I visited her blog and found these pictures: THAT'S MY BOOK! Yes, my life is strange and very wonderful these days.
But the most exciting aspect of it all, as far as I'm concerned, is writing.
It's a crazy world for sure. Hang on for the ride.
Yes, Charles. I'm just going to enjoy the ride for as long as it lasts, and try not to fall off!!
I hope that someday I can get that odd feeling too! Seriously, take it all in, you probably deserve it!
I'm glad you're having such a great time and that it's all going so well for you.
Go Leigh Go - and many more books to come!
Hey Jennee, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. It happened to me, so why shouldn't it happen to you?
Thank you, Debs. I must pop over to your shed and say hello soon.
Hi Pegster - I'm going, as fast as my little legs will carry me, or perhaps I should say as fast as my little fingers will type!
I got to find time and the occasion (that<s the most difficult part) to go to one of your book signings. I<d like to hear one of your interviews too.
That's very kind, Guillaume. I think the BBC interviews can only be heard on BBC iplayer for a week. You can read my most recent interview on
http://issuu.com/whitstableimp/docs/whit_may2010 pages 14-15
There's a schedule of my book signings on my publisher's website. I was in Windsor and Harrow last weekend, and next Saturday I'll be at Heffers in Cambridge. I'm not sure where you are but have a feeling you're in London? I'll be at Waterstones in Gower Street at some point, probably in the autumn.
I wouldn't worry so much about having to be pierced for the Young Punks panel. But the decision over how big, what kind and, where the tattoo's have to go would be much more critical undertaking.
Your desk, Leigh, where you write your tales of crime fiction may be able to get a variance from the general destruction of them. But the one where contracts are passed back and forth would definitely be on the hit list.
Oh no, Walking Man! What about my contract obliging me to write three books for publication? Can I have a special dispensation to keep that hidden away in my desk, please?
All I know is that I am doing the 'happy dance' for you!
Thanks Val - can we see it on youtube?
I'm so glad we bought your book - it really is a great read - Congratulations on your success.
You are most welcome to put these photos up -
We'll be looking out for your next books -
Things must be looking up: that's the second good news story from a writer I've heard today.
The other is: http://katelordbrown.blogspot.com/
That's such a lovely post.
Congratulations on all of it.
Well done. You deserve this.
enjoy your ride, you deserve the acclaim
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