Signed at Borders in Cambridge yesterday. We sold out (as usually seems to happen) by lunch time and spent a lovely afternoon by the river. It was a brilliant day. I've really enjoyed meeting the staff at all the bookshops so far. They are so friendly and helpful wherever we go.
I am posting regularly on the Curzon Group blog every Thursday and hope lots of you will visit and comment there. And did I tell you I've also been invited to blog regularly on my local paper's website?
Sounds like everything is going really well. I'm so thrilled.
Shall go and find you on Twitter now. I've just started using it, but am pretty hopeless.
I'm staying away from twitter. I've got too much to do as is.
I'm staying away from Twitter too. I didn't make it to Borders at Watford, sadly. Are you coming to Luton at all?
Blessings, Star
I don't need another procrastination tool so I'm also staying away from twitter. Sounds like you are moving in the right direction though.
Thanks Debs - I've no idea how to find other people on twitter, or how I'll know when you've found me unless you come here and tell me, so I don't think I've quite got the hang of it... but I'll keep on visiting you in your blogshed. I do like blogging. This comment alone would probably be about five entries on twitter - I'd never manage it. But I'm there, somewhere and I'll go back (if I can remember my password...)
Glad to hear it, Charles. I can't imagine I'll twitter much. I don't quite see the point. You can't say much or have a meaningful exchange of views. But I will keep posting there about my book signings etc, in an attempt to promote Cut Short, although I don't suppose it will make much difference.
Hi Star - sorry to miss you at Watford. It went very well. We sold out as we seem to do at most book signings. No plans to come to Luton at the moment but will let you know if I do.
Yes, Eryl, another procrastination tool. That's exactly what it is!
I'm on Twitter, but I keep forgetting to post. I'm much more inclined to write a blog entry of 300 words, than a Tweet of 13 - weird that!
I believe, Leigh, you're coming to our Borders in Bournemouth. Will try to get along and bag a copy of your novel.
Hi Kaz, nice to 'meet' you - I'm in Borders in Bournemouth on 8th August officially from around midday (but will probably be there from about 10.30) and hope you can make it. I look forward to seeing you there - bring all your friends! Leigh
I'm glad your book signings have been a success. Meeting the public is not always an easy thing.
Hi Bernard - nice to hear from you. The people I've met so far have all been lovely. It's amazing how many people tell me they have no money, and then discover they have enough to buy an armful of other books. Does money apper out of the air in bookshops? (I wish!) Some people are happy to say they don't like crime fiction but others don't like to say no, which is kindly meant.
An extra 'a' should now appear in 'apper'...
Thanks for your comment on my blog - I shall now look forward to Thursdays!
Thanks Vidya. I hope to see your comments on www.thecurzongroup.com blog when I next post on Thursday. But please keep following here as well when you can.
So cool. I've given up on Twitter and I'm mainly on Facebook to keep in touch with the young nieces/nephews, etc. But how great for you to be doing a regular column too. I've ordered the book here ... but still waiting as most of the suppliers have no supplies. It's on back order with one - due in about a week. Cheers.
A week, Aggie! Let me know when it arrives!
Now I've forgotten how to twitter...
Hi again, great to hear you're selling well!! Sorry not been on here in ages, got married and stuff like that!
"stuff like that" - what is like getting married? I hope you had a wonderful day. Off to your blog right now to see what's what. Congratulations!!
I'm so glad all is going so well. I have decided to postpone Twitter till/if I get published.
Still enjoying my bed-time treat(your book)
Sometime this week I'm doing a post on mentoring which may interest you although you are well past that stage. Lucky you;)
Sounds interesting, PI. I will come by and take a look. I need all the help I can get!
I'm glad you're enjoying Cut Short. I still can't quite believe people are reading my book... it seems so funny when I stop to think about it, which isn't often as I'm so busy!
Enjoyed meeting you tonight at Siobhans writing group. I have put your link on my facebook and in my blogroll http://wwwhydrate.blogspot.com/
Looking forward to getting settled now to get stuck in to Cut Short.
Hi Marj - what a wonderful surprise to hear from you! What a lovely group you are. I really enjoyed meeting you all. I hope you enjoy Cut Short. Please keep in touch.
Sounds like you're going places, Leigh.
I don't do twitter as I'm busy writing history articles and working on my novels.
I agree, Barbara. Not time for everything. I'm sticking to blogging for the time being. I now have 3 blogs on the go - this one, which is my own little blog, my Thursday post for The Curzon Group www.thecurzongroup.com and my local paper. Plus three or four talks and book signings every week over the summer - and more booked each week until Christmas... It's enough!
See you soon Leigh. I don't do twitter. Am on Facebook where I also have my MD group. Nearly 300 members now.
I don't tweet myself. I'm on facebook and blogger and that keeps me busy.Loved Cut Short by the way.
Will continue to follow you here.Take care.
Thanks fizzycat. I'm glad you enjoyed Cut Short. Was it you who put a great review on amazon, by the way? Yes, please keep in touch.
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