I haven't been posting much lately. In case you think that's due to laziness, here's a peek at my coming week.
Saturday - Book signing in Waterstones Bath
Sunday - Visit to Waitrose after offer to stock Cut Short in 3 stores
Monday - Day off for husband's birthday! (I'll be working on Book 2 )
Tuesday - Bodies in the Bookshop event Heffers, Cambridge
Wednesday - Talking to local NWR group
Thursday - Talking to local writers' circle
Friday - Meeting local journalist to discuss blog
Saturday - Book signing in Waterstones Harrow
Not to mention the posts I'm writing for two local papers and the Curzon Group, and an article I've written for a book trade journal.
Did I say I was working on Book 2? I think there might be some description of Geraldine Steel feeling knackered! Should be a convincing description... very believable...
Just when I'm beginning to wonder why I'm working so hard, I see a picture of Cut Short in a country I've never even visited. I'm not sure why, but I'm very excited about that.
You need to say
thank you to him...that is good going if you are in the souks now!
Just finished the book and some I sat and read in Harrow Park Sunday afternoon at the Arts fest while listening to folk music..! Trouble was your pace really picked up while I was on the train then had that good book experience where couldn't put it down. I like Geraldine you are right she will pull us along as readers to look at not only how her life is developing but how she tackles more mysteries. Can't give the game away by typing too much and spoil it for those who have not read it yet, but you picked a very important reason on why suddenly a serial killer should be kicked into action. Good insight and research.. Get those fingers tapping on the keyboard I want the next book now! x Marjorie
Thanks, Marj. Did you see the picture someone sent me of Cut Short travelling on a train! I'm so glad you enjoyed Cut Short, and that you found Geraldine interesting. I'm working on her in Book 2 (Road Closed) at the moment. I hope I'll be invited back to your group when it's out next year! By the way, if you have a moment, I'd be very grateful if you'd consider posting a quick review on amazon.
I'll be posting on the Harrow Observer website soon, so might come across you there.
Keep in touch, lovely to hear from you.
No wonder you're excited, anyone would be. You've gone international!
Best news is that Cut Short reached 2 on the female sleuth category on amazon today - second only to Alexander McCall Smith. I did a print screen save and saved the page in word before Cut Short slipped down to number 3 - 4 -
I need some more 5 star reviews on amazon.co.uk (totally shameless hint to anyone reading this...!)
Thanks for visiting, Debs.
Today Istanbul tomorrow the world.
I hope sometime - when life quietens down you'll write about how you get published. The fact that you did it without the help of an agent is terribly impressive.
I was just lucky, PI. There's no big secret to it. I submitted what I'd written to three publishers I fround in Writers' and Artists' Yearbook. One of them phoned me two weeks later to say they were interested, and three months later we signed a contract for three books. That's how it happened.
Istanbul is such an exotic place for your book, Leigh.
I wish I was in Istanbul, Barbara. Amazon.co.uk have listed Cut Short as 'usually dispatched with 4-6 months' and it's gone plummeting down the sales ratings - from 2 yesterday to 60 today in the Female Sleuths category. I'm so disappointed, and it's almost impossible to get hold of anyone at amazon to point out their error. I managed to speak to someone eventually, but still not heard back. I passed it on to my publisher. It'll get sorted in the end, but in the meantime, no one's buying on amazon. !!!
just shows you how universal the book is, leigh... and that's the highest praise possible :)
Thanks, Laughing Wolf. I hope you receive your copy soon. Let me know what you think of it. I really hope you like it.
I would be excited too. Very cool.
Thanks, Bernard. I hope I get sent lots of photos of my book all around the world... I'll certainly post them on here if I do receive any more once it's out on amazon.com - This is fun!
I'll buy the book when you come here so I can get it signed. (That is, if I can wait that long.)
I thought it would be a winner when I saw the cover. When I read what it is about, I KNEW it would be!
Hi Gladys no plans to come to Cumbria yet, but you never know. In the meantime, amazon have Cut Short in stock again!
Goodness me! Busy, busy, busy. I jus wanted to let you know that I've not forgotten about posting a review on amazon...I will get round to doing it. Promise. My mum absolutely loved Cut Short. She says she is going to declare herself your number one fan, and you must hurry up and write Book 2!! She loved everything about it: the way it starts instantly with action; the short chapters; and the realistic characters; and no unnecessary padding...I only hope she enjoys my book as much!! x
I love your mum! Please ask her to write a review on amazon! and one from you as well, of course! I'm so pleased you came over to tell me :) Thank you
And of course she'll enjoy your book at least as much, Akasha. Keep writing!
Thanks for stopping by The Porch!
I'll have to come back and read all about you! What I've read here is a good start!
Tell Geraldine to have a good rest when she can.Best wishes.
Hi Carol, thanks for visiting. Please come back any time.
I've forgotten what resting feels like, fizzy! It's hard work, all this promotion lark. I'm so tired, I'm getting perilously close to putting my feet up... (actually I have got my feet up right now. (Not sure why as tomorrow we have around 30 people coming round for a barbecue...and, as htey say, I haven't done a thing!!!)
So tired, my last comment was full of typos, fizzy, but you know what I meant.
Finally got your book and read it yesterday. What a great first outing!!! I'm looking forward to the next one. Take sometime in your busy week to put feet up and relax.
Thanks for that Leigh. I like the directness of that approach.
In the end the suspense was too much and I just had to finish 'Cut Short' instead of rationing it out.
I look forward to the next.
Thanks, PI. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I've just seen another review on amazon - so far all 5 star. I'm so happy about that! Thank you for calling by to comment, PI.
Once I started I couldn't put it down, well done, have left a review on Amazon and my review blog and website. Glad to hear it is getting around the world, mine went to Florida with me!
Thank you, Melanie. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I've been visiting a few reading and writing groups to chat about myself and my writing and have been touched by how supportive people are. I've received some useful feedback, and a lot of generous praise for Cut Short. Yes, I'm happy! Now must get my feet back on the ground and work on with Book 2!!
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