I won't pretend my ego isn't concerned about how ROAD CLOSED is going to be received. (Like anyone would believe me if I did!) But I am also genuinely concerned that I have somehow gained a small but loyal following. Only today I saw CUT SHORT by LEIGH RUSSELL listed on a blog as one of that lovely blogger's four favourite books. To a new little writer like me, that's huge! CUT SHORT was listed by a Eurocrime reviewers as a Top Read of 2009. I could go on, but I don't want to sound smug when really I'm feeling concerned. Because a lot of readers enjoyed CUT SHORT and, as the reviewer on amazon pointed out, "expectation will be much higher with book two." And all I can think of writing in response to that is, "Oh heck!" I'm going to have to better than that, I hear you think.
Well, I'm confident that ROAD CLOSED (published this June) will be a lot more interesting than "Oh heck," but whether it will be enough of an improvement on CUT SHORT to satisfy my fans, remains to be seen. I hope I don't disappoint anyone. I actually rather like ROAD CLOSED. I certainly enjoyed writing it so I hope other people will enjoy reading it.
I'm very glad I have a third book in the pipeline so once ROAD CLOSED is published, I'll have something else to think about!
yes, keep focusing ahead and then you don't have too much time to worry about the present. Congrats on all the good press and support for the first one.
Thanks, Charles. It's an exciting journey, but I'm never quite sure what's round the next corner... and
congratulations on your new book!
It must be a huge rollercoaster for you. But the fact that you still like it is a really good sign!
What Charles said.
Maybe it's as well I'm a one book gal;)
Love it, Helen! Support really helps - thank you.
Hey Pat - I hope that doesn't apply to your reading as well. I'm hoping you'll like ROAD CLOSED too! I'm feeling very cautiously pleased with it...
Good press is wonderful to have, and I'm certain Road Closed will do famously once released.
I'll be hoping for another review, Barbara!
I'm really looking forward to the new book! I understand your anxiousness but I think it'll be great. And I've mentioned the first to my reading group in the hopes we adopt it as a book for some month.
I love the cover and I can't wait to read Road Closed. I'm sure it's going to be a fab read.
Hi Jen - that would be great. I'd be happy to come along and hear what you all think about it, if you decide to read CUT SHORT.
Fingers crossed, Debs!
Don't look back, look forward and enjoy!
I look forward and see a bend in the path... onwards I go and look forward and see a bend in the path.... onwards I go and (return to beginning of comment)
Yes, that's me, going round in circles, Val!
I trust that your worries shall be for naught.
It'll be fine, I'm sure. There are always going to be people who criticse - that's the way of the world. Looking forward to reading 'Road Closed'
Thanks, Tom Cat. I'm not sure how to visit you on your new set up so hope you read this. Your expression's looking a bit fierce these days - or are you yawning?
Jilly - I welcome criticism where I feel it's justified and constructive. Of course, I prefer to receive it from my reader or my editor before the book is printed and 'out there' - but I am open to helpful comments from any quarter. How else am I going to develop as a writer?
Criticism that I feel is unfair I would regard as a reflection on the critic, rather than my writing.
But for preference, I'll take praise any day!
Leigh, I have a picture of Cut Short in situ in the Bangkok bookshop; if you'd like a copy I'd be happy to send it. Should I use the email address on your profile? Or do you want to email me a different one? I'm at 4pmteatime (@) gmail (dot) com. JJ
Thank you, JJ. I'm looking forward to posting a photo of CUT SHORT in Bangkok on my blog. How exciting!
I notice you have E M Forster's THE MACHINE STOPS on your reading list. It's a sobering message for us all - hopefully the ending isn't prescient... I won't say any more as I don't want to spoil it if you haven't read it yet.
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