Once I would have grabbed at the chance of having a third novel published. With my first two titles still selling, am I becoming an established author, successful at last in my own small way? Dead End will soon be going to print, ready to hit the shelves next month. (What happened to the past six months? Publication date has been so far off for so long and now, suddenly, it’s almost here – How did that happen?)
When Cut Short was due for publication I remember being wildly excited. The whole episode felt like one huge party. It was such fun being a published author! To my surprise, the publication of Road Closed was, if anything, even more exciting. Now I was a real author with not one but two books to my name. (Is that the laughter of authors with multiple titles to their names?)
But with Dead End about to hit the shelves, everything feels different. It could be the after effects of pneumonia, but suddenly this author lark doesn’t seem like so much fun any more. Is it because third time around I know how much hard work lies ahead, with the publication of a new title? The promotion, book signings, talks, panels, interviews, and endless phone calls and emails… and the reviews! There have been 3 so far, all good, but that’s just the beginning…
I’m reminded of the Neil Sedaka song about missing the hungry years. The publication of Cut Short was such a thrill, but how can we measure success when the goal posts keep moving?
What has been your experience of publishing second and subsequent books? Did your excitement heighten or fade with each new title?
I think you've just got the post pneumonia blues and that will go eventually. However, I can understand how you feel. Behind the glamour is a lot of hard work and you can't deny that, can you.
I've just published my first book in the Kindle Store. Details on my Blog.
Keep smiling.
Star x
That's a good question. My excitement at holding a new book in my hand remains very high. But at the same time I do feel increasingly overwhelmed at the need to promote promote promote. So many folks will tell me what I should do, and the ideas are sound and needed but I wonder if I have the strength.
Congratulations on your first book, Star! That's really exciting. Not sure there's too much glamour in my life just now (was there ever?) - but lots of hard work to come. I can't wait to regain my strength and energy.
I'm sure that's right, Charles. I saw the jacket design yesterday and have to admit to a little shiver. But it is hard to find the energy sometimes... there's the pneumonia again... (pneuMOANia)... Thanks for reminding me about the excitement; a thought to hang on to.
When I had pneumonia, I was ill for six weeks, in hospital for one of them. Then I was six weeks recovering. It's a slow process and you can't rush it. You have been reminded of your mortality, that's all. The depression will go and you will be well again and then you will have renewed energy. At least it is Springtime and that will help you a lot. Take care. Don't rush it.
Star x
Poor you. 12 weeks is a long time. I was hoping to be back to - er - "normal" (i.e. busy busy) after 6 weeks... Am I being a tad optimistic, as usual? Please, don't anyone reply! I don't want to hear the answer.
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