Sunday 21 October 2007

I included this comment on my first post; it should have been a separate post, but I didn't know how to do that until today! I intend to write a new post each Wednesday, a weekly comment on my experiences in becoming a published author.

At the beginning of the year I started scribbling. It sounds trite to say my first book wrote itself, but a story unfolded as I wrote. Stephen King said writing a book is like conducting an archaeological dig. He chips away to discover a story. That's how it was. One episode led to another. I'll give you an example. I had to write an incident where a man is beaten up by two young lads who nick his brief case, just for a laugh. That led me to wonder: what was in the brief case? The question led to a whole new plot line which involved - well, I won't give too much away, but several people met untimely ends because of that question!! I became addicted, writing about 2,000 words every day, although at this point, I had no expectations of becoming a published author.... I was just having fun! I couldn't stop writing! Have you ever been so absorbed in a book, you can't put it down? It's like that.


The Wisdom of Wislon said...

Hi i've been onto the No Exit site. It must feel really exciting to see the cover up there for all of the world to see. I like the use of the eye. Did you have a say in the cover? Good luck with it all.

Leigh Russell said...

Hi there wisdom
Thank you for your kind comments.

It is REALLY exciting seeing my book on the my publisher's website. I didn't know it had been added. I was on the phone to my (also very excited) parents, trawling through the net. I checked my publisher's website (which I do, obsessively) and there it was!

I had some lengthy discussions with my publisher about the cover I wanted and although I didn't see this one, it meets my criteria pretty well. It may not be the final one. My publisher was going to a large Book Fair and wanted to take something about my book, so they selected this as a working cover. Whether or not they stick with it, is not my decision. In any case, within reason, I'm happy to be guided by the publisher on this. I do like this cover very much though. Thank you for your comments on it. It's helpful to know what other people think. Perhaps I should do a 'post' on this question? What do people out there think of the proposed cover design?

Meg Harper said...

Hi Leigh - should be working on my next book but was excited to find my first comment from a complete stranger on my new blog! I don't read Crime myself but maybe I should as I complain all the time about books not being gripping enough! Hope me next one, 'Piper', which is due out on Oct 31st is! I know what you mean about getting totally gripped by your story when you're writing! Am immensely impressed that you've got into being published so easily - good luck with it all. I've just started a new blog for my fictional character, Kate, so will be fascinated to see how that goes - am stunned by how big the blogging world is. Am I daring enough to follow your lead and visit a few more blogs!!! What have I let myself in for! Meg Harper

Leigh Russell said...

Hi Meg, I replied on your blog. Thank you for visiting. Keep in touch.

Mean Red said...

Hi, thanks for your advice and suggestions! I read an assortment of books, I don't stick to one genre but I have read some of Patrica Cornell's work along with Karin Slaughter recently. I must keep an eye out for your work. Thanks again!

Time Traveller said...

Hi Leigh,

I too read 'Patrica Cornell's' work - I would be interested to read yours :) Good luck with it.

You make a litte survey on your blog to allow people to vote on your cover design?

Jane Holland: Editor said...

Hi Leigh

Thanks for visiting my own blog at Poets on Fire. For writing-specific material though, you need to look at my writing blog, Raw Light: here. Hope that link works, but it's easily googled!

I have written one enormous psychological thriller (120,000 words) but I don't think it was terribly good. Unpublished and only seen by two agents, both of whom passed.

Poetry is my main gig at the moment. I'm Poet Laureate for Warwick, for instance, and have a few books available at Waterstones etc. I've found that short is good!

But I do intend to return to prose one day. My only pub. novel (Sceptre, 1999) fell through a hole in the universe though, so I don't think the publishing world is holding its breath on that one.

Good blog so far - keep it up!


Leigh Russell said...

Reading Jane Holland's comment and wondering - how do you know if your own writing is good? No, on second thoughts, I won't go there. Too many insecurities lurking below the surface.... I'll just focus on the encouragement I've had from the only 2 people who've read my work so far - my publisher and editor.

Catherine said...

Yes, Leigh, definitely do a post on "Like it, yay or nay". I'm referring of course to the cover design. I'm often drawn initially to a book by its cover - terribly superficial, I know.

Lakshmi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lakshmi said...

Hi, Thanks for visiting my blog. I do enjoy reading crime fiction..I think writing is really difficult ..I often go through writers block..all the best

ChickenAndLittleBear said...

Hi Leigh,
Thanks for visiting (and commenting) on my blog. Congratulations on getting published! I'm fascinated by the writing process - since it's something I love to do but so far have never managed to finish a book. You said you only started writing recently, what inspired you to begin? Stephen King's On Writing is fantastic and it got me writing epic Buffy the Vamire Slayer fanfics back in the day. The next question is, how did you find your publisher. I'd be really interested in hearing more about your writing and publishing process.

Rose said...

Hi there! Thanks for the comment! In answer to your questions that wasnt the only time me and my family got together:) We've always spent a lot of time (too much infact) as a family, doing family stuff like going out together on family outings, watching tv together etc. Im not really a writer, but i do like writing blogs, specially about when i was younger (my "2 lives.") Wish i could learn to write on more different areas. So you write crime novels? How did you get started?

Leigh Russell said...

Hi Rosa and thank you for visiting. How I got started is so difficult to explain. I tried to answer that question in my post of 29th October - does that help? The truth is, I don't really know!