I'm back!
After cramming an impossible amount of work into a few days I've finished, and sent the MS for ROAD CLOSED back to my editor. I daresay there will be a little more tweaking, but I'm relieved to have reached this breathing space. I have a really busy weekend ahead, signing at Borders in WATFORD tomorrow, and WH Smith's in BRENT CROSS on Sunday and am booked to give two talks after school next week. Things are getting busy in the run up to Christmas. Once ROAD CLOSED is done but not yet dusted, I'll post the cover and see what you think.
I was quoted by Hugh Muir in the Guardian diary yesterday. Fame at last! I've been caught up in a spat between crime writers. It's not quite pistols at dawn but not far off (oh, these authors!) It's only a very short quotation from me, in the third paragraph, but still, I'll be getting hold of the paper for my scrapbook...
(I can't work out how to include a link - although I've done it before - so you will have to copy and paste the link onto your browser if you want to read it. Sorry!)
hello Leigh, the link returned a broken thread. No matter. Can't wait to see the new cover.
Now you've got me wondering what the spat is all about?
When are you coming to LUTON???
I can't go to Watford tomorrow because I'm helping out at the church fete and Sundays are out.
Blessings, Star
Hi Star - No plans to come to Luton at the moment - although I did catch a ryanair plane from there in October, off on my hols (with my manuscript, laptop and dongle in my back pack!) I'm signing at Waterstones in St Albans on 6th December (bother - also a Sunday) and again on 16th January (a Saturday!) if that's any good. If you want some signed copies as Christmas presents (typing here with my fingers crossed!) I'm back in Borders in Watford on 12th December, which is a Saturday.
And if we never meet, we can still be blogbuddies!
Oh you're a busy woman! I just stopped by to say that I have a fabulous book to give away on my Chez Aspie blog from Sunday so please stop by and join in the fun if you get a spare moment before Tuesday evening. x
The Guardian! Impressive, well done.
Thanks for the comment, DJ Kirkby. I'm glad you're over the swine flu. It sounds horrible.
Hi Debs. It's in my 'scrap book' !
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