Good day on Saturday - I signed nearly 70 copies of CUT SHORT at BORDERS in WATFORD. I can't give an exact number. You'd think it would be easy - it's just a matter of counting - but I always get in a muddle.
I signed over 40 copies on Sunday at WH SMITH'S in BRENT CROSS.
Altogether that's about 110 books signed this weekend.
Tomorrow I'm giving another talk at RUISLIP MANOR LIBRARY. I and have been invited to give two more talks this week but may have to decline at least one of those as life is becoming a tad hectic... I like to keep busy, but this is becoming a bit too much, even for me!
CUT SHORT is on two listmania lists on - thank you OEJ (Debut Novels 2009) and Damaskcat (More Crime Less Violence).
To think you were so worried in the beginning that people wouldn't like it, and now the book is a smash hit. Has writer's cramp set in yet from all those signings? You must be over the moon.
Thanks, Barbara. If I'm honest, I can't really believe it. I bring home bookshop posters whenever I can for my 'scrapbook' so I know I'm not dreaming . . . (They're dated so I know the bookshop can't use them again, even if I return to sign again.) When all this is over (I can't believe it will go on for long...) I'll look through all the posters and reviews and reminisce - (or, when I'm famous, I can auction them for Children in Need or something - as if!)
wow, 70 books. Very cool. congrats.
You're going to need a new pen at this rate. go, on.............
Blessings, Star
It doesn't happen every time, Charles. A few people bought several copies as Christmas presents, so that increased the total nicely!
I always take spare pens, Star, as I like to sign with the same pen. Anyone who has bought a signed copy, and seen my photo, will know why. (I always sign in purple ink)
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