I've had a wonderful day (after I finished cleaning the kitchen this morning...)
I met Joyanna at my talk at Gayton Library in Harrow in September. She invited me to an interview which will be broadcast on Radio Northwick Park and a women's radio channel. Joyanna seemed pleased with the interview and she has invited me back for a LIVE INTERVIEW on January 30th. er. . . I hope I don't slip up . . . um . . . Seriously, as those of you who have attended my talks can testify, once I start talking about my writing, I seem to have plenty to say!
After the interview, I met my daughter for lunch, popped into my local bookshop for a chat, and met my husband for tea.
All in all, it was a lovely day (apart from the housework . . . )
Next weekend I'll be at Waterstones in UXBRIDGE on Saturday, and at WH Smith's in OXFORD on Sunday, and hope to see lots of you in the bookshops!
It sounds like a very busy, and fun time.
Hi Debs - What is really nice is that I keep meeting such friendly people. Joyanna at Northwick Park Radio is lovely. And I've had lots of support through the blog, from you and others. The whole experience has been very positive.
I'm very busy myself. Unfortunately, none of that has to do with promoting my writing.
I'm glad you're keeping the momentum going. Pop across to my Blog. I've written a review of your book for you. I also posted it on Amazon.
Blessings, Star
Book promotion is time consuming, Charles, but whatever you're doing, it's good to be busy.
Hi Star - I went over to your blog and read the review of Cut Short. It made my day! Thank you very much. I'm so glad you enjoyed it.
Good luck with the Jan interview and I hope you're soon this busy promoting your next book!
Hi Barry, just for a second there I was thinking: "Who's Jan?" - and then I realised what you meant. I think I'd better get some sleep! I'm going slightly potty . . . must get myself together before my live interview! I don't want to make any silly mistakes like that live on air!!! Thank you for your support.
Good luck with it. You are becoming more and more experienced which is a great confidence booster.
Yesterday I came upon a tape of me talking to camera about my writing - done about 12 years ago and it made me think how much more difficult it would be for me now to talk without a script for so long.
Getting old can be so bloody boring sometimes.
I'm sure once you started you'd find it easier than you think, Pat. It would all come back to you. And you certainly don't sound either old or boring - just a grey Monday morning feeling?
I found info on your book on Star's blog...thought it was the one my family was reading..but it was not. However...after reading Star's review...they are off to find it! They are very excited and are looking forward to reading it. Also...thank you for your visit and for your offer! I accept if it is still good! How kind of you! :)
Hi Mona - lovely to see you here. Yes, of course, please email me for a virtual signature whenever you have the book and thank you for your interest.
(Kindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)
Other products by Amazon)
I wondered whether your next book will be available to purchase and read on my Kindle.
Thank you.
Hi David. Thank you for your enquiry. I have put this to my publisher and am waiting to hear whether this suggestion will be followed up. I hope so.
Fantastic indeed , apart from the housework!
Indeed, fizzy!
You must be having such a great time, Leigh! Wish I lived in your part of the world so I could just drop by at one of your signings.
Thanks, Rick. It is fun, but also nerve wracking. What will the editor say about Road Closed? Will the books be delivered on time for my next book signing? What if no one buys them? I won't go on - I prefer to focus on the fun of it all. What an experience I'm having!
I received my copy of Cut Short and read it this past week, Leigh. I thoroughly enjoyed it!!
Thought you'd like to know I gave it a mention on my blog. I look forward to the US release of your next book!
Keep up the good work!!
Hi Kelly - thank you so much for your kind words and for mentioning Cut Short on your blog. I'm really pleased you enjoyed it. Please keep in touch.
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