Today I want to share some of my recent personal experiences. Those of you who follow my blog know that I enjoy getting out and about meeting booklovers. I believe it's important for authors to spend meeting their readers. I place a premium on face to face meeting with people. So much of our modern lives seems to be spent gazing at screens, reading text and email or watching television, rather than communicating with real people, with eye to eye contact, listening to live voices.

Kevin writes: "Reinventing yourself at the age of 55 might be a dream to so many, but for Leigh Russell it became a reality. By day, Leigh is a mild-mannered secondary school English teacher, but by night she miraculously transforms into a bestselling crime novelist.
Wednesday 5 May 2010 saw Leigh speaking at the Verulam Writers’ Circle meeting in St Albans, covering topics such as how she managed the transformation and how she markets her work. It was while walking in her local park one day that Leigh saw a man walking past a set of bushes. Realising she was the only person around, Leigh had one of those ‘what

Many people have these flashes, but not many transform them into life changing moments. Leigh spent the next few weeks writing a story with no particular aim of publication, but when she completed it she realised it was actually quite good. Using the Writers’ & Artists’ Yearbook as a guide, Leigh selected three publishers and posted off her manuscript. With two weeks – yes, TWO WEEKS – she received a call from No Exit Press and the rest, as they say, is history.
Leigh’s debut novel, Cut Short, soon sold out and is about to commence its third reprint. Her second novel, Road Closed, is due for release in June.
Leigh is a regular blogger, an avid signer of books (her own), and a great speaker."
There are times, of course, when technology allows personal contact that couldn't otherwise take place. For example, a reader in the US has just sent me a photo of CUT SHORT in Tennessee. Here it is.
Next week I will post about the publication of ROAD CLOSED... perhaps with a brief extract to whet your appetite...!
I can't wait to read Road Closed.
Fifty five must be the new forty. I think you are an excellent template for how a writer of books should comport herself as far as getting out there and being available to readers et al.
I marvel at your stamina and feel you have earned every ounce of your success. You may well be accused of giving writers a good name;)
Debs - I can't believe I'm so excited about my second book, having 'been here before'. I'm going to post about how it feels next week but wanted to post about my visit to Verulam Writers who were so welcoming.
I'm quite surprised by myself. After all, it's not as if I'm a child... well, not exactly...
What a LOVELY thing to say, Pat. That's really a comment to treasure. Thank you!
Thank you Leigh very much for the signed copy of 'Cut Short' donated to help save Undershaw.
I wish you well with you second book 'Road Closed' which I am sure will be equally successful.
My pleasure, Undershaw Admin.
You life is very full at the moment Leigh. Is the money coming in fast and furious? Will you give up your teaching job, do you think?
Blessings, Star
I refuse to believe you are 55! Did I read that in the wrong context?
Your stress at a pic? What about me? I ruined a perfectly good camera.
Seriously, though, thanks for the kind words.
(One small point of pedantry: it is Verulam Writers' Circle (not group))
I plan to read both of your novels as soon as I can. But, would love to interview you on my blog. I will make up some questions and send them to you by email. That way you can answer them at your leisure.
You life is busy, rich, and full.
Meeting an author in 'real life' is always so much more gratifying.
Don't forget to get some private time and relaxing time in!
I'm also very excited about Road Closed and can't wait to read it.
Sorry sorry - been very busy and have neglected my visitors. Not very hospitable of me...
Star - Money? I'm an author, not a celebrity, banker or footballer... so no, not a lot of money, I'm afraid. Once my 5th book is out, I hope to see some substantial financial reward, but it's a long road ahead... And I'm loving every minute of it! Poor but happy.
djkirkby - thank you. Yes, I'm 55. I don't always feel it - sometimes I feel about 75... and probably look about 80...
I'm so sorry, Ian. Of course, I know it's VERULAM WRITERS CIRCLE - I even think of you as VWC which couldn't end in Group, could it? Genuine apologies for the mistake and thank you very much for pointing it out. Now corrected.
Hi Clarissa Draper, thank you very much. Please feel free to email me your questions. I look forward to hearing from you.
Hi Val - I'd like to say, "it's always better to meet real people" but as an author of crime fiction, some of my characters are better met on the page...
Hi Helen - I'm about to tackle the interview questions!! Thank you so much for sharing my excitement at the imminent launch of ROAD CLOSED. I hope you enjoy it!
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