Nearly time to post a sneak preview here...? What do you think?

CUT SHORT has been selling so fast that my publisher reprinted twice in six months, and a third reprint is scheduled this year. That makes four print runs in a year - not too shabby for a new author. As if that's not enough excitement for one author, ROAD CLOSED, the second in my series, has gone into production for publication this June. The B format books look fantastic. Here is the new cover for CUT SHORT and the cover for ROAD CLOSED. You may notice the quantity of blood growing. Some of my fans have joked that the cover of the next in the series, DEAD END, will be all blood...

Personally, I'm happy if my name is slightly larger on each cover. That's when you know you've 'arrived' as an author, when your name alone can be relied on to sell books.
Very exciting! but distracting from finishing first draft of my next book. I was really into it, and now I keep thinking about ROAD CLOSED.
Yes indeed. I would also be very proud that it is at no. 3, when Stieg Larsson is at no. 8. It's getting to be a case of me bragging...'I know that author, you know.' well they don't know, but they will...
Well done. I'm proud that I have been able to follow your achievements.
If I could only get myself published now!
Blessings, Star
Hi Star - I'm not quite snapping at Stieg Larsson's heels yet... but I'm having fun on my own little journey and meeting some lovely people along the way.
I'm sure it will happen for you one day. Just keep on keeping on. It's all any of us can do.
Good to hear from you.
Star - I hadn't noticed sales of CUT SHORT were higher than Stieg Larsson in my local Waterstones. Thank you for pointing that out. Drat! now my head's too big to go through the door...
This is great news, Leigh.
Thank you, Barbara. I hope you enjoy ROAD CLOSED sitting on a comfortable bench, and have time to review it.
Hi Leigh,
I posted the review there:
Perhaps we can do interview mid june, if that suits?
Wooo Hooo, Leigh!! You go, girl!
Hi Emily, thanks for the review. Mid-June would be great, thank you.
I'm going, I'm going, TomCat. (Not sure where I'm going... but I'm going)
Wow great photo and huge congrats to you, after all your hard work you deserve lots of high times :) That was an interesting point you made about author name size on book covers, I'd never looked at it that way before but it's very true.
Wow, that's so impressive. Congratulations!
Sounds like you're doing great to me.
Happy Mothers Day.
Thanks, DJ Kirkby. I may not be right, of course, it's only a theory, but it does make sense, doesn't it? Check out the authors' names on book covers and see what you think.
Thanks Debs.
Hi TomCat - Mother's Day here is in March, so my super sleuthing powers tell me you're not in the UK. Just call me Sherlock Holmes...
Fantastic stuff!
Thanks, Helen, and congratulations again on your stories.
Look on my Blog and you will see your book has arrived in Tennessee.
Look at the end of my latest post.
Blessings, Star
Oh luv, how I envy you. Congratulations. I must get a copy form the Chelmsford branch of Waterstones.
NO 3!! Wow! Well done you!!
Thank you, Star. I have your lovely photo saved in my 'Travelling Book' folder where I keep all the piccies readers send me of CUT SHORT around the world. I'll post it on my blog soon. First I have a few pictures from a recent meeting to post about. But CUT SHORT in Tennessee... ! Thank you VERY much.
Hi CrystlePiper8455 - that's an interesting name. I wonder how you came by it? I like the comment. It's good to be reminded of that when you're an impatient person (like me).
Thanks, CJ Duffy. Please come back and let me know what you think of it.
Hi Monique. The only trouble is, I've been so busy I haven't even had time to visit Middle Ditch lately. It's hard juggling working, writing and book promotion. So much to do!
I want to read your books, I'm going to go on amazon right now. By the way, I have an award for you at my blog.
Thank you, Clarissa. I meet a lot of authors who are only interested in sales of thousands, but I'm still very excited when one person tells me they are going to buy my books. I hope you enjoy them. Please come back and let me know what you think, and let me know if you'd like an interview as the publication date for ROAD CLOSED approaches.
The printing process starts tomorrow!
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