I've just come home from CRIMEFEST where I had a wonderful time appearing on two panels and giving an individual talk, and signing ROAD CLOSED for the first time! I arrived home to discover someone had emailed me a picture of CUT SHORT in South Africa. So before I share my experiences and pictures from CRIMEFEST, here are a few pictures sent to me by readers around the world.
I'll start with the picture of Bongiwa in South Africa. Isn't that a lovely picture? It's followed by a picture of CUT SHORT on a bookshop shelf in Bangkok.

Here's CUT SHORT at the Eiffel Tower.
And here it is in Tennessee and at the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul.

Please keep sending me your photos of CUT SHORT being read around the world and I'll post them on my bl0g!
Wonderful travelling experiences for your first book! This is taking on a life of its own now. I wonder where next?? Timbuctoo perhaps?
Blessings, Star
Yes - just when I arrived home from my exciting but not very exotic trip to Bristol, I discovered Cut Short had been on a journey of its own!
Aren't they fabulous. Glad I could help with Bangkok.
Thanks, JJ. I love the idea of my books travelling to places I've never visited. I've been to Paris, but not the other places here. I'll soon be posting about my trip to CrimeFest (in Bristol...)
that's just cool.
Hi Charles. Yes, very cool!
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