Sunday 21 October 2007

OK. Now I get it. I create a post under the tab marked 'posting'. No wonder it took me so long to work out how to do it.... I think I'd better get back to my creative writing - as I spoke to my EDITOR today for the first time and am feeling hectically inspired! I have an editor!! More on Wednesday's post (if I can remember how create a new post by then!)


Leigh Russell said...

ANd there's a 'New Post' message at the top of the screen too. Now why didn't I notice that before??

Travis Erwin said...

Welcome to the blog world Leigh.

I spotted your comment over on Katrina's Texas Tawk blog and thought I'd stop by and say hi.

Tracy said...

Thanks for your message in my blog. Brenda is quite cheeky, lol, but very cute and I love her to bits! I have loved reading since I was 6 years old. I do like crime fiction, but cant say I have a favourite genre as I will read absolutely anything, have even been known to read advertisements and the telephone directory if I dont have anything else to read lol! Sad but true. Look forward to seeing your book published though!

fizzycat said...

Glad its worked out.I am no great computer wizz.I learned via a book called 'Essential Blogging' from Amazon by O' Reilly.Its probably out of date now , there might be a new edition. What we want to read (after your novel) is essential novel writing by yourself so we can all be writers (only joking).Are you self taught.

Leigh Russell said...

Untaught. How do you teach someone to write? It just happens. I'm sure my background has helped though. I studied English Lit at university and I teach English, so I read a fair amount. I've also been to a lot of theatre productions which I think has given me a sense of the dramatic. I'll try and think about this in my next post on Wednesday.

Anne Lyken-Garner said...

Leigh, thank you for leaving a post on my blog. It seems like we have a lot in common. I too used to be an English teacher, both at a high school then to adults.

I too was in theatre, as I was a stage actress for 11 years. (I now do t.v supporting work on Dr who and Casualty etc).

I agree with you that this kind of background is a fertile foundation for growing writers.

I still can't get my blog to show the invividual titles on the front page, even though I've given them all titles. They insist on just showing dates instead. Don't know what to do now, I think I've tried everything. How is the process of being published coming on?

Anne Lyken-Garner said...

Oh, and I forgot to answer your question. My book is just under 79,000 words long.

And yes, it is very sad.

Sandy said...

Hi Leigh, thank you for leaving your mark on my new blog. You must have been quick to find it as I have only just created it and attempting to create a custom skin for it.

I'm still adding bits to it before I actually start blogging.

Good luck with your book. You are the second author I have heard about in two days.


Anne Lyken-Garner said...

Just stopped by to see the new Wednesday post. Guess I'm too early